



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
03-04-2017, 07:32 PM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2017, 07:34 PM by Chaos.)
Chaos should have waited for the rest of the pack to gather, but there weren't many that he knew of to be in pack boundaries at this moment and frankly, he was impatient to begin things. Besides, Dagmaer deserved an explanation. He sat up again as Kassander started fussing over Dag. "Raba and Birna are ok," he assured them to start with. "We found Magpie but she escaped through somewhere too small for Birna and I to follow, so Raba tracked her down while we looked for a way around. She caught up with the bitch and broke her leg, but Magpie poisoned her somehow and got away. The poison wore off quick, so Raba decided she and Birna would be going after her. But..." he locked eyes with each of the three present wolves in turn. "She isn't coming back. Not for a while, anyway. If she can't find Magpie she plans on finding some relative of hers, Aserlin I think, and find out more about this feud Magpie seems to have with Raba and her family. She didn't want to put anyone else at risk, so she's not coming back. She's turning the pack over to me, and going where her being there isn't going to bring Magpie down on anyone in the pack."

A little rambling, maybe a tad repetitive, but Chaos had just had a very long journey and if he hadn't been so keyed up over everything he'd probably have fallen flat on his face, so maybe it was excusable. He cleared his throat. "Raba asked me to change everything about the pack. I'm not Raba, and even if she hadn't asked me to there's no way I'd be able to run Ivory Ridge like she did. We're just too different. I know a lot of you were just here for her, and that maybe it wouldn't be comfortable to stay here with everything changing and her gone. I'm not going to hold that against anyone. If you want to leave, just say so. You'll have time to pack what you want and leave the territory."

He sat, and waited, knowing that chances were good he'd not actually have any members in his pack by the end of the meeting. Oh well, his dad hadn't had anyone either, when he'd claimed Imperium. That all came later. He'd recruit heavily, and prove himself as a good alpha and then wolves would come flocking. It was the way things worked.

OOC: For anyone who hadn't had time to post, you aren't going to be considered late until the deadline but like Chaos I was very impatient and didn't want to wait. Feel free to post your character having come in time to hear the explanation and everything. Anyone wanting their character to leave, please actually post here saying they will be leaving or Chaos (and I) will assume they are staying.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write