
My Inauguration Had the Biggest Crowds



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
03-05-2017, 09:23 AM (This post was last modified: 03-05-2017, 09:27 AM by Tealah.)

He settled down to wait after he sent up his call, lounging on his haunches lazily, until a sound caught his attention. Even then his head merely swiveled to follow the progress of an older pup as she approached, his relaxed attitude not changing despite the appraising look in his half-lidded eyes. The appraising morphed into amusement as the youth spoke up boldly. She had the barely-there, faded scent that said she'd been part of a pack but hadn't been there for some time. A runaway, or had the pack dissolved? There was something about the scent that tickled at his memory, but it was too faint for him to quite grasp it. Oh well. There was something faintly familiar about her appearance, too. His muzzle curved in a lopsided grin as he tilted his head down to study the youth. Oh sure, at her age she was nearly her adult height, but even that full height would have been considerably shorter than Chaos and she was certainly not near the full weight and muscle of an adult, so it was with great amusement that he viewed her bold approach. "You wanna be a fighter in my crew, shrimp?" he teased her, though not with malice. He'd be the last wolf alive to judge someone for impulsive behavior as a pup, and while he didn't have any immediate objections to taking in the kid since they weren't far off from being a yearling anyway, he didn't want someone showing up on his Crew's doorstep later claiming he'd kidnapped their kid or anything either. He'd need to make sure the kid wouldn't cause more trouble than she was worth. "You think maybe your parents might have a problem with that?" It did occur to him as the words spilled out that uhm... maybe this kid didn't have parents and shit she wasn't going to burst into tears if he mentioned possibly dead parents would she? Crocodile tears he had plenty of experience with thanks to his older sister and her drama-queen tendencies, but actual real sad tears he just didn't know what he'd do. And kids cried a lot, didn't they? Well, it did seem a little unlikely she would, but he still eyed her warily for a second, as though eyeing a ticking bomb. He didn't really have a lot of experience with kids, after all.

Sweet, sweet distraction came in the form of a gorgeous nebulous form that had him sitting up straight with interest. Chaos felt his brows rise before his eyes narrowed in appreciation. Daaaamn, girl. Chaos had to swipe his tongue across his lips just to make sure he wasn't drooling.

A beat ticked by in silence before another voice broke it, another bold young female bearing a less chaotically delicious coat than the second - Artemis, she'd called herself. Yummy. He turned his eyes from the sight with faint reluctance but the grin he sent to the third wolf to appear was in no way abated. "Chaos Saxe," he told all three smoothly, as though he hadn't just been struck dumb for a moment. "You heard right. New pack," well, new enough anyway - "so we don't have a whole lot of members. Plenty of room to make a name for yourself if that's what you're after. If you're hoping for a pack with a lot of structure my Crew's probably not going to be the pack for you. I'm not really the... structure type. Not a whole lot of rules past the basics. You know, don't rape anyone or smack little kids around for fun, that sort of thing. I'm more the free-spirit type. Life's not worth living if you aren't having fun so why should anyone be stuck in a pack they can't have fun in?" He shrugged expressively, then, stretching, got to his feet.

"What about you guys? You interested in having fun and shaking Ardent out of its boring old status quo? Fuck the rules and fuck stodgy out dated regulations?" He grinned toothily. "Interested in something new and different? Well, that's my Crew."


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Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write