
Wreckage Adoptions



9 Years
03-05-2017, 04:13 PM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2017, 03:38 PM by Shrapnel.)
Alright Folks I am starting a thread for adoptions for the wreckage family line. This thread will be added to and changed so please check back. First I am going to start with the current new blood to the line which are the pups of Storm.

Sire: Elias Praetor
  • Important to remember, Father is known for dissociative identity disorder and schizophrenia which may or may not pass onto these pups.
  • Also the line is known for Bipolar disorder (females are more prominent), schizophrenia, and arthritis (due to their large size)
  • Red eyes, yellow/gold, & Silver eyes are prominent in the line. Blue eyes are rare and Green are not in the family line.
Dame: Storm Wreckage
  • Storm's line comes from northern regions (not on Ardent) and are known for thicker and fuller coats. Their sizes range due to the time they were born and what kind of year the clan was having. Storm was born in the winter and was born in a year that food and survival were rough. She was the only pup in her litter and small due to this. Her younger sibling Frostbite was born in the winter also, but a year were food was bountiful and the clan was thriving hence him being much bigger.
  • Common coat colors in the wreckage line consist mostly of blacks, greys, whites, and silvers. Though Storm's grandfather (mother's father) which is brown.
  • Storm's father was various shades of white with a slight bit of silver in his coat while her mother was shades of black.
  • There is no known mental disorders in her family line and her blindness was due to a spitting cobra's venom. (Which means it's not inheritable, but not impossible for her pups to be blind either.)
  • Eyes colors vary in her line because mates of her family are from all over (since the clan constantly traveled)
Siblings are:
Rules & other Info

  • 25% off height up to 42"
  • Pups will be raised in Abaven.
  • Pup passes will be paid by me for the remaining two pups
  • You may come up with your own design, but please refrain from using exotic coloring.
  • I have the right to take back the pup and/or get a refund for my free pup pass if these pups fall inactive. One post a week with these guys preferably.
  • Since both Corentine and Derecho are storm related names I would like to keep this theme with the other two pups.
  • Birth season is summer and they will be playable on March 7th and these apps need to be done by then

Male Name suggestions: Pyry (meaning snowstorm), Thor (meaning thunder), Tyranis (meaning thunder),
Female name suggestions: Aella (meaning storm wind; whirlwind),

<b>OOC name:</b>
<b>Personality:</b> At least 150 words
<b>RP Sample:</b> At least two paragraphs
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[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times