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13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
03-05-2017, 07:19 PM (This post was last modified: 03-07-2017, 12:28 AM by Dragon.)

[Image: kjPee9f.png]

OOC name: Dragon
Name: Cloudburst "Cloud" Wreckage
Gender: Male
Design: Using my own! But with Silver(L) & Gold® Eyes instead of red.
Cloud is somewhat of an oddity when it comes to personality. As a child, he will be curious about the world and those within it, wondering how things work and why. Despite his curiosity, he isn't the type to go sticking his nose into things or other peoples business. He observes from a distance, observes in silence as the world moves around him. He doesn't exactly feel the need to get into other people's business, and as he grows older he'll never really get the urge to meddle in the affairs of others. Unless of course, it involves his own family. He is a quiet soul, not really one to speak unless spoken to, however, when it's just he and his mother then it's a whole other story. His personality becomes more outgoing when he's around her and only her. But around strangers, or even his siblings, he becomes reserved and almost...robotic, in a sense. He's quieter around others, less animated. He's not sure why he acts that way, but he doesn't really question or wonder it. He just knows he's different then those around him.

Cloud is the type to generally keep his mouth shut in most situations. Save for when it comes to his mother, of course. He's extremely protective of his mother. Not because of her blindness nor the fact that she might be helpless with her lack of sight, but he feels a strong need and desire to protect and defend her from harm. She is his idol, his everything. Without her, he feels like he is nothing. She birthed him, after all, and so he feels the need to give back to her and support and protect her as much as he physically can. He feels the need to be close to her, and it may also be due to the fact that he often feels afraid when she's not around. He's discovered that when he's alone, he gets this strange feeling around him. Like something is watching him. Little does he know that he has inherited his father's schizophrenia, and to be alone means to be alone with the voices in his head and feelings he is not familiar with. He doesn't know how to comprehend this, and so he keeps it at bay with his mothers presence. Somehow, her presence alone is often able to keep the voices and those weird feelings away.

While he may not be the most "normal" of the litter, Cloud has some decently good qualities about him. He's capable of being loyal to those he has come to trust, and those are very far and few in between. First and foremost, his loyalty and trust is given to his mother freely and without question. Secondly, it's given to whatever pack he might be in, regardless of what their alignment or beliefs might be. He is indifferent when it comes to others, and unless you're one of the select few who has somehow managed to be a big part of his life, then he doesn't really care what happens to you. He won't fall to pieces if a fellow packmate has died, or if something bad happened to someone that he had previously met. He has his own life to live, and to spend time and energy worrying about others (with the exception of his mother), isn't worth it to him.

This leads him to have a sort of detached manner about him. He doesn't particularly care about other lives, much less so if they're insignificant in his life or if they don't really have any sort of influence or importance to him.

RP Sample:

What was wrong with him? He had been approached by other pack members, but he couldn't really find the need or will to talk to them. Instead, he just kind of gave single worded answers and gave off the vibe that he wasn't really interested in talking. Instead, he preferred to watch from afar. He preferred to observe the goings on around him, how the others ticked, how they spoke and moved and thought. He sat outside the den doing just that. His mother had gone off to do whatever it was the adults did. She was a healer she went to look for herbs? Or so he assumed, anyway. He didn't often go too far from the den, but when he did he just kind of wandered the territory and wondered what was on the outside. He didn't wonder too much, however. His life was here in Abaven. He didn't really have a need or desire to go beyond the boundaries, for now at least. He did want to eventually go with his mom on one of her herbal escapades, if only to be close to her and to see where she went to collect the best plants. By that note, he didn't know if he even really had an interest in herbal medicine. Sure, he thought some of the plants looked nice and pretty...but he wasn't all that interested in trying to heal others. He mostly preferred to keep to himself, but also...well...he wasn't totally sure. He knew he wanted to protect his mother when he got big enough, that was for sure.

Sighing, he got up and decided to head over towards the rapids. The water seemed to soothe his tortured soul. And he needed a distraction. With his mom out, he felt his fur prickling with the weird feeling that he was being watched. He often got the feeling when his mom was away from him, and he didn't know why. Sometimes it left him feeling tired. A voice often woke him up at night, but whenever he woke up, there was nobody else there. It didn't take too long for the boy to reach the rapids, and upon approaching the rivers edge, he peered into the water. A face stared back at him, one silver and one gold eye glaring back with a stony look. Was this him? Was this how he always looked? He generally never smiled. He didn't play. And he didn't know who he was. His father wasn't in his life, and he didn't know who his father was, either. It often left him questioning if he really knew himself. He knew his mother, but what about his father? He felt like an incomplete puzzle, and sometimes wondered if anything would be different if his father were around. Did it really matter though? Some part of him felt like it did matter...
"I wouldn't get too close to the water unless you already know how to swim." Cloud turned around to see an odd looking creature. It wasn't a wolf, that was for damn sure. His pelt was orange and white, weird black markings and scars across him. He tilted his head a bit, noting that the small canine...if he could call it that, had a more slender muzzle and a much longer and bushier tail then he did. This was maybe the first time that his curiosity about someone else was piqued. "What are you?" He questioned the creature. "I'm a fox. Name's Dart!" Cloud looked him up and down, trying to determine what to do next. "Are there more of you in the...pack?" Dart shook his head, his grin widening. "Nope! I'm the only fox in a pack. At least, I've never heard of any other foxes living with wolves. What's your name, kid?" Cloud almost thought about not answering. He had gotten his answers, and figured he could just...go on his way. He remained silent for a long while, leaving Dart's grin to fade and look on in confusion. Finally, after what felt like forever, he responded. "Cloud." With that, he turned the opposite way and walked off.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!