
Wreckage Adoptions


03-05-2017, 10:19 PM

OOC name: FenBen
Name: Tyranis
Gender: Male
Design: ^

Curious  Tyranis considers himself to be better than the average wolf because while most practice fighting and hunting he seeks to learn as much about the world as he can. While he doesn’t particularly like the idea of helping others he is fascinated by the stars and by diseases of the mind as well as how the mind works.

Ambitious Tyranis takes great pride in his place as a member of Abaven and hopes to one day be named Prima Pattuglia. He lacks the discipline necessary to hold a high rank but feels he is entitled to it regardless because he spends most of his time in Bass’s shadow. He rarely takes advise but feels he has been personally robbed by society, he self victimizes and if he loses in any regard his immediate reaction is to believe rthe odds were stacked unfairly against him.

Manipulative His mother’s gentle and forgiving nature has made him expertly skilled in the art of lying. He believes he is capable of fooling anyone to believe anything he says because they are less intelligent than him. More specifically he has become very good at telling people exactly what they want to hear and what he needs to say to get what he wants. Despite this he can never bring himself to fully lie to his mother although because of his nature he will convienetly leave out damning details and often manipulates the situation to make himself appear as the victim

Selfish Believing he is superior to most if not all other wolves only acts in his own benefit. He is quick to react with sarcastic and snide remarks to anyone that asks him for help outside of his mother. He adores Storm but holds little love for his siblings and the rest of Abaven.

RP Sample:

Aged 2 years

His eyes narrowed, focusing on the opalescent beetle as it skittered around on his raised paw. Like most of his days Tyranis spent this one on his back, resting rather than working and convincing anyone who asked that he was busy studying. His other paw joined the first and the beetle, predictably, made its way on to the newly provided surface. He sighed, turning his paw as it moved before his head snapped forward and his jaws crushed the beetle. It was time to move on. With a loud groan he rolled onto his paws and meandered through the tall grasses of The Thicket, an ink black shadow slinking listlessly through the emerald grass. He yawned and shook out his neck as he walked, with no destination in mind. He preferred to be alone on his walks of course because other wolves, even those in Abaven were simply too stupid to keep up with him.

He turned his head upwards, scenting for anything that might have been mildly interesting. Mornings were usually boring to him, he was more of a night person because it meant he could study the stars as he wandered, but in the mornings he needed to find his own fun. His ears raised as he caught the scent of fox piss, a small, excited grin crossing his features. Foxes were his favorite to torment because their small fangs could do little damage through his thick pelt no matter how hard they bit him.

Slowly he crept through the grass until his golden eyes fell on the small foxhole carefully hidden in the base of a tree. He let out a low growl to alert them to his presence, but wouldn’t pounce until the anticipation of an attack drove it from its shelter. He crouched low, muscles tightening, ready to spring forward. There was a moment of utter silence and stillness. He growled again, louder this time, deeper, and then continued to wait in silence. A branch snapped and fell from the tree and all at once a flurry of vibrant red burst from the hole. He was after it in an instant, flanking it from the side before pulling back to chase it on the opposite side, sending it further into panic until he could drive his head under its slender body and lift it into the air to grab its thin leg. His head swung in an arch and a single strangled yell escaped the small creature before its skull cracked loudly against a rock. He dropped its limp form, tongue lulling from his jaws and his heart beating wildly. It had been fun while it lasted but now it was over. He wasn’t particularly hungry and had in fact only killed it for fun, but that wouldn’t be what he told his mother when he presented her with his trophy.