



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-06-2017, 01:06 AM
She had managed to get home once again, though the season away found her landing in Auster during the wet season. Winter had arrived, though the response her body usually had was delayed by her journey to Boreas. Devising a plan to stay in the northern areas of Auster, Naamah makes her way to the garden of the gods, ready to be lost in the labyrinth of stone slabs that littered the place. A strange sort of excitement washed over her, perhaps the climate change would reach her much faster than she thought. Striding confidently through the fog, Naamah smiles at the soft sounds of her new friend. The other wolf had been lucky that Naamah could see the use in having a bird, and she hadn't killed him...yet. Corvus held his reservations, but he was beginning to warm up to the giant woman.

Moving through the mists, she comes upon a familiar shadow, though his actual outline makes her question the truth of his presence. "It's him, approach. I would know that body anywhere..." Lilith laughed in her head, and the sensation that the dark entity was writhing pleasurably within her mind was overwhelming. Making a motion to the bird upon her shoulder to be silent, Naamah clears her throat, approaching from behind and slightly left of the hulking male. "You follow? I come home, it is nice, no?" Broken common tongue graces the air with lilting notes of honey and smoke. There is a parting of white and black as she smiles, seemingly pleased to find him here.
I took a sip from the Devil's cup.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.