
On the Warpath (Bear Hunt)

Gargoyle I


06-25-2013, 06:38 AM

Masqurading as a man with a Reason

my Charade is the Event of the Season

though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man

though my mind could think, I still was a mad man

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say:


Gargoyle had been in too many combat zones for him to break silence just because something went wrong. When he heard the tremors in the stone, when he spun round just in time to see Awaken disappearing through a hole in the cieling of the cave, instinct alone held his tongue and all that came from the male was a sharp, deep inhale, as though he'd been stabbed.

He jumped back to the spot, but even as he was squinting, trying to adjust his eyes and see what was going on, a black streak shot past him. "-Midnight-!" he gasped out. He snapped out to try to hold her back, but his teeth hit only air. She disappeared so fast he didn't even have time to say 'wait'.

The bear growls sent shivers through the rock. The mountain began to rumble as the beast below roared and moved about, angered by this interruption on his slumber.

Gargoyle didn't tarry any longer at the crack. "Odin!" he shouted as he flung himself back down towards the main opening. "Get ready at the entrance! We gotta get this thing out in the open!" His paws pounded the earth, spilling stone in every direction, but he kept his balance. All that mountain goat hunting was starting to pay off. The Chief came to the top of the cave hole and dove in. Straight down the rabbit hole. Like most bear dens, this one had been dug in at an angle - Gargoyle's paws hit the dirt hit, he rolled with the momentum and popped up in the main chamber.

It was chaos in there! Awaken was closest to the entrance, and he was treated to a bit of trenchside swearing Gargoyle passed him by. "Dammit rookie! If you so much as think 'I told you so', I'll eat your ears." Gargoyle had interesting ways of showing encouragement in the heat of battle. But the most obvious thing about his words was how they were delivered. There was no more strain or life to his tones than usual. He might've been giving a passing stranger the time of day. Whatever it was that he was saying, he was involuntarily showing his packmates that he was remaining calm.

At the moment, keeping their heads was the most important thing.

Figuratively and literally.

He blew past Awaken with his injured ribs, and made a rush at the spinning, roaring bear. The monster had been smart and agile enough to take down a full grown moose - it didn't waste time crying and bucking for long - pretty soon it was slamming itself into the cave walls, attempting smoosh the furry black tick that was clinging to it. Gargoyle, who's voice was usually kept only for low, drawling rumbles, peeled back his muzzle and barked. The sound came out like thunderclaps, his fangs flashing like the lightning. True barking was not something common among wolves, but the male was quarter Doberman on dear old mummies side. It was certainly enough to call the bear's attention. And as soon as the big thick head of the bear whirled round in his direction, Gargoyle was dodging a paw and snapping straight at the monster's nose.

When Garogyle's paws hit the earth again, the bear's black button was replaced with a wet, red wound. The Chief didn't have to bark again. The bear didn't need anymore taunting - it flung itself after it's new, larger target.

Gargoyle raced back up and out of the bear-cave, hoping Awaken had clear it in time. "Odin!" he shouted. it was a call to be ready. As the bear came crashing out after Gargoyle, Odin , so long as he'd waiting like his Alpha had said, would have the perfect opportunity to pick his target.

Carry on my Wayward Son

There'll be peace when you are done