
Ancora Pups


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
03-06-2017, 05:00 AM (This post was last modified: 03-07-2017, 08:22 PM by Shrapnel.)
Okay so honestly I've been on the fence about putting these guys back up for adoption, but with Creed kicking the bucket soon I've decided I'm gonna try one more time to adopt these guys out. I've already had to find them new homes multiple times already so I'm only interested in people who are active and can post with them regularly. With the Regulus x Liar challenge judged now there's no excuse as to why people can't post. I can't stress enough how picky I am going to be with this guys. They're the only litter Creed's had and I'd really like for Valor and Fable to have their siblings again.

All height, designs, and genders must remain the same (since they're now all a year old) with the exception of Knight. Personalities can change. They have been written as though they're missing so when giving an excuse for their absence please do not say they were sick.

Glory - Profile

She's the only female of the litter and the shortest as well at 33" tall.
- Taken by Tea

Knight - Profile

Male, 36", and I'm unsure if Sin will want this design reused, so I can make you one if you'd like. If you choose to make your own then please be reasonable with it. If it doesn't look like any of the parents (or similar to any of Creed's other relatives) then I'm most likely going to decline it.

Exodus - Profile

Male, 36", and all markings have been paid for.

Please note all profiles need to be rewritten.

- Bri and I reserve the right to take these back if the character hasn't been posted in more than 30 ooc days. I would like to see more than one post a month though.
- These designs, with the exception of Knight's, belong to Bri and aren't to be used anywhere off of Ardent, including the family, information, ect. basically anything made here on Ardent stays strictly on ardent.
- As I said before, these characters have been mentioned icly that they are missing so please come up with a more valid excuse as to where they've been/why they disappeared other than "They got sick." It's been overused.
- Kavdaya hasn't had any threads with the babies past birth/was absent for a good portion when she escorted Regulus, Falk, and Surreal to the nomads to try and heal Surreal so feel free to incorporate that into their personalities.
- Their personalities shouldn't fall below Neutral without proper ic development.
- Creed, Valor, and Fable are all in Auster at the moment visiting the rest of the family so if your app is accepted then feel free to join in on that plot.

Application Delete anything in (parenthesis.)

<b>Ooc Name:</b>
<b>Character Name:</b> (the character you're applying for)
<b>Design</b> (this only applies if you're applying for Knight otherwise leave it blank)
<b>Appearance:</b> (200+ words)
<b>Personality:</b> (300+ words to ensure you're serious about adopting)
<b>Absence:</b> (why has the character been missing?)
<b>Plans:</b> (If you get the character what do you plan on doing with them once they're accepted?)