
Ancora Pups



03-06-2017, 08:05 AM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2017, 01:22 PM by Tealah.)
Visitor, you need to PM me. - Tealah

(If I can't apply without being a member, please let me know.)

Ooc Name: None, yet

Character Name: Exodus Ancora

Design None

Appearance: Exodus is a titan, one of the taller one of his siblings, although he is easily dwarfed by his largest sister. He is a lighter male, in terms of build, weighing in at only one hundred and thirty eight pounds. His build, despite his height, would make him blend into a crowd. He is thin, although still at the peak of healthiness, and he appears to be thin and almost lanky. Despite his thin build, his muscles are defined and noticeable, popping from his figure and only adding to his slightly intimidating size.

Exodus is a close image of his father, although, if the two were standing side by side, they would look totally different. He is coated in cloak of shimmering silver, covering his face and neck, and running down his side down onto his thighs. An inky black, dark as night, or ink, covers all four of his legs, the dark color covering everything on his back but in between his shoulders. In between his shoulders, the marking is a snowy white, pure and sharp. A black, inky marking is on his chest, surrounded by the white, contrasting the darker color, and filled in by his sharp silver fur.

The tip of Exodus' ears are ebony, although the very tip is coated in white. His chin is covered in ebony, connecting to his muzzle and a stripe of fur that comes between his eyes and comes to an end at the front of his skull. A small spot of white is dotted in the very center of his forehead, like a brush had painted it right on him. Exodus' toes, and his tail, are dipped in ivory. The underside of his entire body, on his stomach, is also coated in the crisp ivory color.

To add to Exodus' unique look, a "tear" marking, much like his father's, stretches down his face, continuing the line. Like his grandfather, the markings are a bright, vivid green, a lot brighter than his monochrome fur, a splash of color.

Exodus has soft eyes, not only in color but also in expression. His eyes are a light periwinkle, standing out from both his bright green marking and his silver fur.

Personality: (300+ words to ensure you're serious about adopting)

Absence: (why has the character been missing?)

Plans: (If you get the character what do you plan on doing with them once they're accepted?)