



4 Years
Extra large
03-06-2017, 12:03 PM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2017, 12:10 PM by Artemis.)

Navigation: Fenrir's Maw

Artemis wasted no time diving into her exploration of the lands Chaos held, the lands she now held a partial claim to. The idea of belonging to something was oddly exhilarating, giving the fae a new purpose. It was something she didn't realize she had been lacking. Their lands were comprised of a fearsome range of mountains, which then broke away into a beautiful stone steppe, which Artemis deemed prime hunting territory. Yeah, she figured she'd do just fine here.

For this day's adventures she chose to delve into the craggy peaks and valleys which made up the Maw. She was hoping to find a den site all her own, and focused her efforts on the Maw's eastern border, near where the mountains broke away into the rolling, rocky plains. Evergreens and hardy cedars gave the air a crisp, fresh scent which she was quickly coming to enjoy, and the ground beneath the trees was littered with boulders of all shapes and sizes, worn from the mountain by eons of time. There was a dramatic, inspiring beauty to the landscape; as glorious to behold as it was dangerous. Artemis was quickly growing to love it.

In a moment of impulse, Artemis tipped her head back and sent out a howl for other members of the Crew. Why the hell not, right? She wanted to get to know her new allies, and she doubted Chaos would mind her organizing an impromptu scouting mission. Her mind flickered back to Memphis and Valdis, both young and somewhat unseasoned. Artemis could think of worse ways for them to spend their days then learning the lay of the land. As for her other packmates, she wondered where their dens were located and if it might make more sense to find somewhere more central to the others then central to their lands, but she had hardly made up her mind yet. Feeling stubborn, she refused to settle for anything less than perfection.

"Talk" "You" Think
Artemis' family members are always allowed in her threads!