
Wreckage Adoptions



03-06-2017, 01:10 PM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2017, 01:22 PM by Tealah.)
Visitor, you need to PM me. - Tealah

(I am also applying for an Ancora pup.)

OOC name: None, yet. I am considering the username Pocky, however.

Name: Pyry Wreckage. (Nickname would be Blizzard, and he will prefer to go by it when around family.)

Gender: Cis male.

Design: Design number four.

Personality: Pyry's name means snowstorm, and a snowstorm he is. Even at the young, tender age he is, he views the world with an almost sort of quiet calm. Movements are rare; angering him is nearing impossible. He tends to keep his emotion under control, which can either be a good thing or a bad thing. As it is, he isn't one to go off, and is far from a ticking bomb, but to others he can be almost rude.

Others' feelings, and dealing with them, are rare for him. He doesn't really understand it, as he keeps his bottled up. He says it like he sees it, and his words can come off as critical and harsh, maybe even rude. He doesn't mean to be, however, although he could stand to learn. After all, a wolf like him, who points out others flaws and what may be weird or off about them, is not one that will make friends.

Even so, he knows that he's not perfect. In fact, Pyry knows that he's imperfect, that everyone is. Still, he also believes that with time, with patience, that things that other wolves are bad at can be perfected in that particular skill. He wouldn't be the type to help them, however. Not until he is done with it first.

In Pyry's mind, he comes first and foremost. His well being, his healthiness, his happiness; he'll work on it first. Next would come family, someone he is just as attached to although he would give them a chance first. He believes that to become truly strong, one has to do whatever they can by themselves. If his family were in danger, however, he would give no hesitation in protecting them as long as he was not originally in danger.

Pyry thinks with his mind rather than his heart. If danger was going to cost him his life, he would stay out of it. If it would be lingering dangerously towards a fight, he would try to resolve it. He wants to be as calm as he could.

Growing close to others is something that's hard for Pyry. He doesn't make friends easily, through his almost rude nature and his bottled up emotions. He doesn't want to get close, figuring that they may eventually leave and it would hurt him if they did. Crushes will be bottled up, with his feelings, with the hopes that they will go away.

RP Sample: (Used when he's six months)

Breathe in. Breathe out. Ivory chest fell in rhythm with the thoughts ringing in his head, continuing, jaws open slightly as he breathed in the air that almost seem stifling. Rain was on the way; a quick glance at the gray, clouded sky, confirmed that. Light eyes moved, slowly, towards the den, head following and a soft, soundless huff escaping his jaws. He had wanted to hunt, but he could smell no scent of prey on the air. There may have been some a distance away, but he was un-moving for now.

Ears twitching, he hesitated. If he went further out, in search of prey, the rain could have started heavily and washed away his scent. There was always the possibility, as well, that he could wind up getting lost. He didn't know enough of this land, and he may have wound up traveling more than he wanted for someone so young. Pyry stood still, silent, ears flicking as he debated it, until his gaze raised to the sky once more. The rain seemed like it would be a while away. He had time yet.

Mind made up, he made his way forwards, pace picking up until he was at a light jog. He was wary, cautious; he had to be fast. He couldn't take his own sweet time. It would be in his best health to get there and back, and as fast as he could. Ears twitching, he caught the faint scent of rabbit, and light gaze searched for it. There it was! At a medium sized rock, almost camouflaged because of the dusty brown of its fur. Had it not been for the slight movement, Pyry would not have caught it. Ears twitching, he moved forwards slowly, one paw in front of the other.

Once he grew close enough, he pounced, paws propelling his body forwards with a force he didn't know he had. Within a short chase, Pyry's jaws had clamped down around the rabbit's throat and it now hung limply in his jaws as he cast a glance at the sky, wincing just as the rain dropped down onto his snout.

He had almost been in time. Now, though, he would have to go through the rain back to the den. It was worth it, however.