
Ancora Pups



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
03-06-2017, 02:24 PM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2017, 04:03 PM by Tealah.)
Ooc Name: Tea
Character Name: Justice (née Glory)
Design Oh well
Appearance: With a base coat of a dark slate, Justice does not much resemble the pale mother who gave birth to her, nor much more closely her light gray father, though in some ways she is Creed's colors inverted. Where he is light gray, she is dark blue-gray, and where he is white her coat darkens to a shadowy black on her face, throat, underbelly, the lower part of her tail, and down her legs. Where he bears black markings she carries markings of a pale blue-gray like stone. Her markings are indistinct and misty, fading into the darkness of her fur like fog. A blaze lightly touches the top of her muzzle, disappearing somewhere upon her brow, while a matching, foggy marking almost like a malar stripe blurs the darkness between her eye and mouth. Misty gray marks the front of each shoulder, slowly fading over her forelegs in one direction while in the other it widens to an indistinct cape over her shoulders. Her only distinct, clear markings consist of steely-gray feathering winging up under each eye - inherited from her mother, those eyes are a brilliant jeweled amethyst that matches the flecks within her mother's own sapphire gaze.
Though shorter than her siblings, Justice is built quite sturdily for her size, with the strength and durability of a larger wolf in a conveniently compact package. Thick, strong bones, a close-coupled body, and a shaggy coat give her an appearance like a draft pony beside high class warmbloods. Though her disreputably shaggy coat never seems to sleek down in the summer like many do, it is light enough for her to be comfortable. In the winter when she gains that extra woolly fluff she looks even shaggier, like a miniature bear.
Fiery - this girl is a firecracker, make no mistake about that. Her temper tends to burn white-hot though and is gone just as fast, though, so she doesn't tend to hold grudges or brood. She's fierce though, outgoing to the point of being pushy, and extremely opinionated, a combination that might lead her to gain a reputation as being somewhat of a hothead.

Determined - stubborn might be more the term, but either way once this girl gets her mind set on doing something she is going to get it done come hell or high water. This can be either virtue or vice depending on the situation, for while she can be quite difficult for others at times it also allows her to persevere through challenges that might make a less determined wolf quit.

Independent - Justice is a freespirited soul, and while she loves her family dearly she puts a high value on her independence. This doesn't necessarily translate to wandering feet - in fact, although she does love seeing new faces and new places, she would feel lost without familiar places and faces to return to at the end of the day - but rather to an aversion to being told what to do and tied down by rules. She's never going to be the one to always follow the rules, and while she's young she may test her boundaries more than most adolescents, but when it comes down to it she has a strong core of morality so though she might seem to flout authority she'll never cross any serious lines.

Curious - Justice has a burning need to know EVERYTHING. What's that do? What's this? Why are you doing that? Why's the sky blue? What's this plant called? Why are you crying? How do you do this? Whatever the subject, she can't stand mysteries or secrets, and she loves learning something new. She also has very little tolerance for "personal space" on an emotional level and can get awfully nosy when it comes to other peoples' business. She's a terrible gossip - not in the way that she will spread secrets (in fact she is quite good at keeping things secret) but rather that she enjoys listening to it and catching up on all the latest drama, because she has to be in the know about everything.

Sassy - she's the queen of snark, of sarcasm, of backtalk, and as a teenager she's probably going to be quite a handful in this regard but she'll never quite grow out of her irreverent, sardonic, and on occasion mocking way of addressing people who irritate her. Her manner is rather cheeky even with those she does like and respect, and will probably get her in trouble more than once.

Protective - maybe it's a quirk of being named Justice, or maybe she would have been that way anyway, but for whatever reason this youth has something of an overdeveloped sense of justice. If she sees a wrong she is compelled to right it, she is drawn to protect those weaker than her, to help those in need, and to visit justice upon wrongdoers - like the Batman of Celestial, though rather more emotionally well-adjusted.

Courageous - there's not much at all that intimidates Justice, if there's even anything at all that does. Heights, storms, danger, she moves forward unhesitatingly no matter what life throws at her. Whether bravely facing the jaws of a bully, or walking a narrow mountain ledge, Justice has no fear. She's aware of her own mortality, certainly, but sees no reason to let fear keep her from what needs to be done.
Absence: She stubbornly decided that she needed to go with her mother to the nomads despite being told no, and being a pup with nothing but instinct to track her got herself completely and totally lost trying to follow her anyway. Floated from meal to meal, living on scraps and the occasional kindness of a stranger until she taught herself to hunt and has been slowly making her way back home using vague memories and getting directions from loners.
Plans: She'd be inclined to settle back in Celestial and dive into learning. Unlike her brothers she would be unaware of how distant her parents had been so she'd just concentrate on making up for lost time with her family and the pack. She's going to be something of a vigilante outside of the pack, and inside the pack she'll be an enthusiastic participant in just about anything she can learn and participate in. Her primary skills will be healing and fighting, probably with a slight emphasis on fighting but I haven't decided.