
[M]Fool's playground


03-06-2017, 06:33 PM

I'm headed straight for the castle

They've got the kingdom locked up

Her peace was bound to be ruined she knew, yet the appearance of Archon and Amon were not to be expected by her. Her eyes cut to Archon first, her annoyance with the spawn of her uncle cloaked as he paid her attention. Amon spoke something though with her ears below water she couldn't quite make out what he said. A sigh escaped her. It seemed she would have to give up her lounging in order to listen to her uncle. That very fact made her want to growl at them for disturbing her day. Nonetheless she rolled over and shook her head to rid it of excess water.

She laid in the water, with her eyes on them. The dark purple gems latched onto their forms and studied them with mild interest. Her uncle's seemingly sweet tone sent her glaring at him. She was not one for sweet ways and she knew better than to believe any Abraxas was sweet in any way. Her voice rang out immediately to answer his question. Her tone served well enough to show how annoyed she was that he asked of her mother before trying to even give her the attention she deserved. "What the fuck do I look like, her keeper? Mother goes where she wants and does as she wants, I just happened to lose her this time. It won't be long and she will either come looking or uncle Adramalech will be sent to fetch me I am most certain.  Whether or not Amon listened she didn't care. His attention turning to Archon for even the split moment it did brought her jealousy bubbling to the surface. Her glare was turned on Archon and her hackles pricked along her spine. She may not be as big as him but she was youngest and thus deserved the extra attention, he was only competition for such.

Just as quickly as she had angered though she was calmed. A smirk on her face at a small though she had had. He wasn't going to hold a match to her one day. She would take him and his siblings down so only she could stand in the light. "So what exactly brings you to me uncle? It's not like you need the company of another God, so what's your reason for coming to me?" was she full of herself? Most definitely but Mother had yet to stop her. Did she underhanded ly try to manipulate the man? Most certainly. To play his game of God's was easy enough, same as with Adra and Ana. She knew to try to boost their ego before doing so so this would be a drawn out little game. Her tone held her new interest in her own game. It was a dangerous one she played for if she didn't get her way she might begin plotting against the man, or she might recieved a bite. Though for him to bite her would mean he would be angering his much older sister seeing as she seemed to like the ways of the girl enough to keep her around.

And there's an old man sitting on the

throne that's saying I should probably

keep my pretty mouth shut