
I could make you want me



10 Years
03-06-2017, 11:31 PM
His smile and sigh almost melted er heart into a little puddle at her paws, oh, how she missed seeing him happy and by her side. Things weren't easy, that much was certain. They had to try though. The warm happy feelings she felt whenever they were close only served to push her to want their relationship back, however long it took. She'd found something special in Zephyr, Caelum didn't intend to let go of all the good things just because things they couldn't control made their lives harder, made it more difficult to look past the bad...

He didn't know what to do either. Hm. She tilted her head to the side, absent-mindedly moving to lean against him and nibble at the side of his neck with gentle nips and kisses. It was hard not to fall into the closeness of the past. Maybe that was a good thing in a way. Her chest felt tight at his next words. There was silence between them. Awkward silence. Why on earth did they have to be so awkward, anyways? She'd had pups with this man, yet the slightest misstep sent them into uncertain silence like a couple of yearlings who didn't know how to express their feelings. Deciding that light-hearted and playful seemed to be the way to go, she sidestepped a bit so she could eye him and smirk, "I kneeew you liked me, can't hide it now," she teased with a flick of her tail. Prancing around him, Cae giggled, occasionally darting over and planting a kiss before hopping out of reach, grinning nearly ear to ear. Suddenly, she dropped into a play bow and chirped, "Catch me if you can!" with a devious glint in her eye.

She was off like a shot, bounding through the twists of the den and out into daylight, making a sharp turn and racing up the slope over what would be the roof of the den they'd been in, making her way through the thick foliage with excited bounds. She was sure he could catch up to her quickly if he tried hard enough. With those long legs of his, it shouldn't be a problem. The thought encouraged her to pick up the pace, racing through the trees, laughter bubbling up from the depths of her lungs for no particular reason until she came to a small clearing. The ground was covered in moss and small white daisies sprouted up from the forest floor. Caelum flopped down on the soft ground, rolling and kicking her legs up in the air, breathing hard.