
stomach to the floor

Gargoyle I


06-25-2013, 08:58 AM


To Gargoyle's surprise, the she-wolf managed to remain calm and collected enough to quickly extricate her skull. A wolf any smaller would've been flung off balance by the force of his hind legs alone. But this one was holding her ground. Noted.

Good, he didn't want this to be too easy, did he? He'd gotten himself all hyped up and bloodthirsty, twould be a shame if it was over in a few seconds. He'd at least try to make it stretch a minute.

And if his hind legs were ineffectual, at the fae's fore paw was too. The angel was too awkward for her front claws to do anything too terrible - a couple rakes in the fur above his eye would earn the male a dashing scar later on.

When the teeth were retracted from his leg, ripping as they went, the blood started flowing. It was painful, but not debilitating. Gargoyle knew his way around wounds well enough to know that the bloodloss wasn't going to be a pretty thing, but it wasn't any more damaging than the crater he'd put in his opponent's back. Adrenaline and raw energy outweighed wounds at the moment. If the fight dragged on, then it would no doubt start to become a problem - dizziness, trouble seeing, lack of strength and balance etc. But from the way these two were fighting, that option seemed off the table. They weren't going for the long haul, they were going for the end-all. Or at least, Gargoyle had been. Only now, after her near lobotomy did the smaller wolf seem to get it in her head that she wasn't just fighting for Glaciem; She was fighting for her life.

No more playing footsy, now she was jamming a paw into his neck, supporting the front half of her carriage with that limb.

For one straining moment, his head had craned back and his eyes saw only the heavens. His throat bobbed and pulsed neath the creamy gold fur, soft and vulnerable. -- But the next heartbeat he was rolling, twisting his whole body, gathering his uninjured feet and doing his darnest to get leap up and off to the fae's left. All the female had holding him down was one paw, and even if she'd had all limbs pinning, he was her superior in size and strength - the leap up to his feet and the tear away was a smooth, quick one. Yet for all that, it wasn't perfectly clean.

Though his throat was missed, the challenger's bite was not without reward. Her attack landed on the side of his neck, and as Garogyle pulled one way and the she-wolf another, Eos received a mouthful of fur and flesh from the left side of his scruff.

Now whipped round to face the fae, Gargoyle clenched his fangs and stood with planted paws. He didn't have to glance back to know the damage. He could feel the blood dripping down the side of his neck. He could hear the droplets splatter as they hit the frozen earth. Once. Twice. Three times. But all the same, Gargoyle's muzzle twisted into that sickening grin. It was a nice slab of teddy bear stuffing she'd taken from him, but nothing serious had been torn. Close, but, again, no cigar.

They'd had their foreplay, and now it was time to finish things. Something stiffened in Gargoyle's shoulders, something changed in his gaze. Claws like little icepicks cut into the frozen ground as he leapt back into the fray with jaws open and still gleaming red from his earlier dig into her meat. His ears were back tight against his skull, his lower jaw was tucked enough to guard his throat. With his hieght he could afford to arch his neck - a move which coiled and bunched his muscles, protecting his vitals and keeping his teeth positioned to better fend off another attack.

He ran like he was going for her back again - as though he couldn't keep his maw away from that delicious spread of blood, after all, if he succeeded in getting his teeth there again, he'd ripped away enough flesh and fat to leave the bones much easier to find and crush. He'd have his eyes narrowed on that spot, just long enough to tempt his opponent into trying to figure out a counter. However the she-wolf chose to try to counter his charge, he'd switch targets at the last possible second. He wanted her neck - and he wasn't going for tearing away at flesh, no, this time he wanted a hold. He wanted her in his power. He wanted to lock his molars in her scruff and drag her down, beat her into submission. If the fae remained broadside as he came at her back, then the target would be the right side of her neck - if she tried to protect her back though, bringing her chest forward and/or tucking her hind end away, then Gargoyle would duck straight by her and go for the left side of her scruff.

Once he had his grip, he'd keep running. Gargoyle had turned wolves into roadkill before, he could do it again. He'd throat his weight into the run, ignoring the stabs of pain from his left fore, and attempt to yank the challenger off balance. If he got the scruff, then there wouldn't be much she could do - her teeth's range would concern his shoulders only, and they'd been scared up plenty of times already. Gargoyle was ready for more pain to himself, so long as he came out on top this time. Then he'd show her what a wolf could do with his claws if he knew what he was doing.

Wolf fillets, anyone?

x.x gargoyle vs. eos - round 3 of 4 x.x

attacks: charges Eos almost as soon as he gets free of the last attack,feints that he's going for her back again, coming at it from her right side, but at the last second, switches and goes for her neck, wanting her scruff. he intends to bite down deep and get a deathgrip which he'll keep running with, intending to pull her off her feet and drag her down where she'll be at the mercy of his claws


defenses: (dealing with past attack) rolls over to avoid the blow to his throat, the teeth instead land on the left/top part of his neck where his thick fur and scruff take the power of the attack. (concerning this attack) ears pinned back to keep them out of the way. neck arched to bunch muscles over his spine and recently targeted areas. jaws open, with lower jaw helping guard his throat.


injuries: the gash in the top half of his left foreleg. the shallow cuts above his right eye. the missing patch of skin on the upper left side of his neck


