
Oh, How The Stars Shine.



06-25-2013, 09:40 AM

Quietly trotting along, Irish kept her tail tucked close to her, and ears perked up. She was nervous, yet excited about exploring these lands she had found herself in, and so she would need refreshing first. She had already gone on a short hunt, easily catching a small hare and a mouse, and had eaten them quickly. Now, she just needed some water.

Quickening her pace as the smell of the cool liquid hit her nose, Irish let her tail flow out behind her, an eager skip in her step. She transitioned into a full out run, needing the exhilaration, and was coming up fast on the lake. Skidding to a stop near the water's edge, she dipped her head in thanks to the gods for help finding this place. Then, she drank.

Lapping up the water greedily, yet also attempting to look normal and not like she had been starved or traveling for too long, Irish peered around her, emerald green orbs searching for any sign of life. She wanted somebody to talk to, she had been too long on her own, and the scent of wolves that surrounded everywhere she went in these lands was slightly overwhelming for her. So she needed somebody to discuss it with.

She hoped to find some wolf whom knew the lands well, and could show her around. She already knew where she wanted to go, to that pack she had heard much about. Ludicael. She knew little to nothing of the other packs, so she had already made up her mind of going to that pack. She was looking forward to it, and as she thought this, she stepped back from the water, plopping down somewhat ungracefully onto her haunches, and slipping her tail over her paws. She blinked as she lifted her head, maw parting, and let out a howl inviting any other loners or rogues to come chat with her.

Speak. Think. Dance.