
Ring around the Alpha



6 Years
03-07-2017, 07:41 PM

She was full of energy, so full she felt like she didn't know what to do. This was their first adventure, mum was taking them for a short walk. Though she wanted to explore she stuck close by to her mother, close enough that she could see her at all times. She didn't know about the others, but mom wanted them all to stick close. Derecho though she hit the ground running and seemed to be out in front of the group. Hopping along the young female took in as much as she could see with her gold eyes full of questions of everything that she saw. She wanted to bug, but somehow the young girl kept getting distracted each time she thought of asking one. There was so much to see and things to chase that she was a little overwhelmed.

They were on their way back to the den, from their short walk her eyes shifting to each family member as she moved, doing her best to stick close by. She soon saw Derecho dart further ahead and Corentine jumped up in the air to see where her sister was going. That was when she spotted the familiar white form. The male her mom referred to as Bass, the same male who had been bringing them food since they were weaned. Without a second thought she darted forward, her little paws beating against the dry ground. She slowed herself when she got close enough and watched her sister barking at Bass. Cocking her head to the left she wondered what in the world Echo was trying to accomplish.

Prancing forward she walked over to the doves and flopped back onto her rump looking from the birds to Bass, then to Echo. She had never spoken to this male before, but she was curious about him. Pinning her ears she looked back to Echo wishing she would stop her barking.

"Echo, top that pwese," she pipped up.

"Talk" & 'Think"

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag