
Ring around the Alpha



9 Years
03-07-2017, 08:02 PM

She had been getting stiff again, stuck in the den with the growing pups. She hadn't expected such a number and was beginning to think she should have made her den a lot bigger. Paired with her age the blind healer was getting rather stiff and uncomfortable that past couple of days. The only times she could leave the den was when the pups were asleep, but today she couldn't wait any longer. So the first time mother grew brave and had told them all they were going for a small walk and that they were to stay close by. With that she had led the way from the den and lead the pups on their walk.

Though blind she was still on high alert, ears flickering about so that she could keep track on each pup. If when got to far she would call them back, if any animal appeared she would let out a bark to spook them off. She was calm, yet protective over her children and honestly the women couldn't be any happier. Sure she had never envisioned herself having children without a mate, but she had help from her friend and her alpha. Bass had kept his promise and she was extremely grateful to him.

She didn't lead them far, enough for her to get her muscles stretched and warmed. Turning back she lead the pups back, once again keeping her ears moving to monitor where each pup was. She heard them bounding around and could feel their excited energy. She would lead them back and settle down by the den and let them play close by. What she hadn't expected was for Bass to show up this soon, but when she heard Derecho barking and Bass' scent floated to her on the light breeze, she knew he was at the den.

"Come now kids looks like Bass has brought us some lunch," she called softly to the other children before picking up her pace to reach the den in quick timing.

Her tail wagged in greeting as she approached, leaning down to nudge Derecho lightly, then Corentine.

"Go eat girls then you can play some more," she said before looking to Bass with a smile while taking a seat. "How are you doing today Bass?"

"Talk" & 'Think"

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Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times