
[M]Fool's playground



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
03-07-2017, 08:23 PM

Almost as if Amon had been following him, which he assumed he had been, the patriarch of the abraxas clan would reveal himself beside Archon, looking equally as surprised to see Abyzou here. So his father hadn't known either that she and her mother had followed them here to this new land. Turquoise gaze would take a quick assessment of the surrounding area, finding no other figures that would indicate that his aunt and uncle were anywhere nearby. His father would question the whereabouts of his relatives, his tone much more gentle than the one that he typically addressed the brood with.

I have sensed nothing. Amon directed at him, confirming what the prince had suspected.
"Neither did I. I hadn't the slightest inkling that she nor my relatives were in these new lands." His attention would be diverted to his cousin as she rolled herself upright before addressing his father. Archon's brows furrowed deeply over his eyes at the tone Abyzou used to address Amon. Irritation bubbled beneath the surface at her insolence and blatant disrespect. He had half a mind to hold her head under the water and teach her some manners. His aunt hadn't taught her any respect. He noticed her purple eyes fix themselves on him after his father had addressed him and the young prince returned the glare, adding a flash of teeth to the display. He had no problem putting her in her place; he wasn't above disciplining family.

If Archon was beginning to seethe at the girl's words, he could only imagine what his father was feeling. The beast didn't take too kindly to being talked to the way that his niece was speaking to him. The prince was wise to keep any comments to himself, much more content in waiting to see what his father would do to his younger cousin.

"Talk" "You" Think