
The Beast Inside



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-08-2017, 04:10 AM

She hadn't really been training since mentors were assigned. And she briefly wondered if any of her other siblings, or rather, apprentices, had started training already. Mom had been in a weird funk for a while, and she knew it was because of her father on top of all the stress and drama that had happened before she passed the pack to her older brother. She had thought about going to her mothers room in the castle to see how she was doing, but halfway there, she suddenly heard her mothers howl in the plains. Stopping in her tracks, she listened in mild surprise. She was calling them together for training? She was a little excited, and also scared. Her mother mostly taught fighting, and Okami was kind of wary about fighting. Not that she wouldn't do it, but she wasn't sure exactly how. But this might not even be a fight training, right? Maybe it was a history lesson, or something else? She supposed there was one way to find out.

The large girl made her way to the plains with a steady, ground eating lope. Long limbs carried her bulk easily and with little effort. Soon, she could smell not only Avalon and Tanaraq, but her brother Arke was there too! Her tail wagged upon seeing them both, and evidently both were also in good spirits, which put Okami in better spirits then usual too. "Hi mom. Arke." She approached the two, giving each one an affectionate nuzzle before sitting near Arke's right shoulder, tail wagging. She wondered if Afrit would show up? had already left...that thought saddened her, and she hoped her sister was doing okay.

"Talk" "You" Think

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