
'Til Death Do Us Part (Medusa x Newt)

Medusa i


5 Years
06-25-2013, 11:38 AM

They were in the heat of it now, locked and prepared to deliver the damage. Medusa?s speed would not do her much good when they were close together, but her cunning and opportunistic nature would hopefully make up for it. She would have to be quick witted, quick to expose the kinks in her opponent?s tough armor and lacking in mercy whenever she came upon them. Distance would be utilized whenever possible, but in this moment it seemed like she would have to rely more upon her quick thoughts than anything else.
It was unexpected that her paws landed upon Newt?s shoulders, and most unwanted. This position left her vulnerable to the gigantic woman, in a way that the serpent did not appreciate. Immediately she would push herself backwards, rump attempting to land on the ground so she might quickly balance herself. She had also shifted her body slightly to her own right, knowing that head on head combat would not suit her. They were still looking at one another, but they would not be directly in front of each other unless Newt moved as well. Her body lowered, hoping to take her throat out of the question. Medusa?s eyes narrowed, ears pinning back, chin tucking and jaws parting. Her claws bit ever so slightly into the soil, spread equally with her weight fairly distributed amongst her reclined end and her equidistant front limbs. Her hackles raised, shoulders rolled, neck level with her lowered body and face contorted into a snarl. Her bushy tail was tucked close to her frame, protecting her vitals as was key in a battle such as this. When needed she would snap it out, but for now it remained close to her.
As she landed and lowered herself, Newt dove forwards, leaving the serpent little room to negotiate. However, due to the fact that the midnight mistress was far smaller and had also lowered herself, Newt?s attacks did not land as planned. Instead the woman?s chest plowed into Medusa?s front, delivering moderate bruising and pushing her back a few inches. Her hind legs, which struggled in protest of this movement, received abrasions from the ground beneath her. The wounds upon her legs were not enough to disable movement or even bleed, but they stung nonetheless. The real damage came from the woman?s jaws; due to Medusa?s movement, they did not meet their target on her belly, but instead had access to another area. Due to her shift right, Newt?s jaws were slightly to Medusa?s left, and were over the top of her frame due to their significant height difference. Therefore, the woman?s jaws bit into the flesh on top of Medusa?s shoulder, teeth hooking in for a grasp. Immediately the serpent jumped backwards, ripping flesh off between the woman?s teeth and hoping to provide distance.
The pain was immense; she had a gaping, open wound upon her shoulder, that bled a significant amount. And yet she pushed forwards again, once more lifting up off of her front limbs. Her left paw shoved forwards, towards Newt?s jaws, hoping to push into the beast?s mouth. She did so with such force, for she wished to choke the woman upon her paw. Her left paw was twisting also, hoping to deliver the delicate flesh of Newt?s mouth with severe lacerations from the paw. She knew it was risky, but the first instinct of a creature when something was shoved into their throat was to gag, not bite down. Meanwhile her parted jaws aimed to dig into the bottom portion of the woman?s mouth, top hoping to seek into the lower lip and hopefully the gums should her teeth bite deep enough, whilst her lower jaws wished to dig into the underside of Newt?s jaw. Her head would approach to Newt?s left, turned slightly so that her jaw was perpendicular to Newt?s jaw, body weight hoping to pull downward with such a grip. Such an occasion would render the giant unable to bite, for the bottom jaw was where the force of a bit came from. This would protect her paw, but once again it was an incredibly risky venture.

ATTACKS: sitting down and lowering her body so it?s impossible for Newt to gain access to her belly, being pushed back, jumping back to put distance between them and then rushing forwards, lifting up her front paws attempting to shove her paw into Newt?s throat and twist to cause damage to the soft tissue of her mouth and throat, attempting to bite into the bottom of Newt?s jaw and yank down so that it?s impossible for her to bite down on Medusa?s paw


INJURIES: moderate bruising to chest, abrasions on hind legs from being pushed back, gaping raw bite wound on top left shoulder, pending damage to left paw