
One Hell of a Woman


06-25-2013, 11:51 AM

Indifference, he didn?t care why she did it. He knew with a heart as kind as hers it was justified. He stepped close to her, stretching his neck to gently nuzzle her shoulder in a friendly manner, if she didn?t move away from the contact. A warm smile flickered to his jaws, as he looked her over carefully, noticing her scratches in various places. They needed to be tended too. Upon closer inspection, he saw that the crimson stains that coated her didn?t come from her, and he let out a breath that he didn?t realize he had been holding. Remembering that her question needed answering, he turned his head to face her, speaking with an easy tone and smile.

?I do not need an explanation, Evey. I just need to know that you?re okay.? His eyes were warm, and soft as he looked at her, a wolf that he considered friend. ?Those scratches, need to be tended too, M?lady.? With those simple words, the brute lumbered a few steps away from her, flicking his tail, indicating his request that she should follow. He had little knowledge of herbs, but knew enough to prevent infection. First thing, first, she needed to wash herself, in water, preferably. He would take care of her, not just because she was a beautiful lady, but because she was his friend.
