
the clouds above move closer



5 Years
03-08-2017, 07:44 PM
But you'll never find the answers, until you set your old heart free

Lydia's journey led her farther south as she completed the list of herbs she was look to gather for the upcoming winter. Next on the list was Agrimony. While she probably didn't need to worry as much about communicable diseases living as a loner she felt it was best to be prepared and there was always a chance she could join a pack or a wandering band of nomads. At least with this time of year she'd be able to notice the slender spikes of yellow flowers. All she had to do was pick a good territory.

Slinking carefully through the range Lydia kept herself alert until she noticed the familiar flowers of agrimony. A perfect! She gingerly meandered toward the patch and was about to start picking some when she spied two wolves not far off and she quickly ducked down, uncertain if they'd noticed her presence. However, the pair wasn't the strangest thing about the site. There were elk in some sort of…. thicket, well, not thicket. They were bordered in. She didn't know what to call the thing that held them in place, only that it was made from trees and definitely something… human.

Her eyes flitted back to the Agrimony then back to the pair and curiosity over took her. She cleared her throat in case they hadn't heard her. "Uhh.. Hello, there. What, um… what is this?" Her eyes flitted anxiously back to the Agrimony as if she were afraid some great beast was going to come along and eat them but she wanted to ask about the elk while the duo was still there.