
You Feel Like Home



8 Years
03-08-2017, 08:44 PM (This post was last modified: 03-08-2017, 08:47 PM by Solveiga.)
I just wanna be by your side
It had been months since Solveiga had set foot in this territory. And she had missed it so, so much. The grasses of the plains were soft and supple under her paws as she strayed a few inches past the territory line. It wasn't like she was a complete stranger to Celestial, but she didn't want to come traipsing in either. She should speak to the alpha first.

Regulus. Was it bad that just thinking of him made her stomach turn? But not in a bad way. In the way that made her knees feel a little wobbly, and her mouth a little too dry. She didn't really know what to make of it, and she certainly didn't want to think too far into it. All she wanted to think about was the way his words made her feel that day, after he won the fight and kept Celestial safe. When he said he'd be happy to have her come home. Home. That was the word that always made her feel warm and fuzzy. And when she thought of home, she thought of Regulus. She thought of this place, where she first felt like she truly belonged. And that was all thanks to him. She didn't care if he made her feel all funny and giddy and nervous, she still wanted to be around him. She'd missed him. He felt like home to her, and she wanted that feeling back.

Solveiga let out a short howl, calling for the man she had in mind. Then she sat near the border and waited, tail slowly wagging as she waited for her huge, crimson friend to come into view.