
Feast of Silence



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-08-2017, 09:11 PM

Pyr seemed unperturbed to see him. Her reply came not a beat after his question, and Amon found himself pleased that she'd retained her edge in the time since he'd seen her last... Not, of course, that he'd ever doubted her. His siblings had always been fierce. "Either seems equally fitting" he replied, sending his sister a smile with a modicum of genuine warmth in his eyes. Amon laughed as she proposed dropping victims off the edge of the world here, agreeing that she might just be onto something there. "There's certainly heaps of untapped potential," he conceded, allowing more humor to seep into his tone than was normally evident. "Perhaps we ought to find some victims and try it out? The fledglings are coming along nicely. How long has it been since you've seen them? Archon and Astaroth are nearly as large as I am now," he tacked on with a self-indulgent chuckle.

There were many negative things you could say about Amon, but if one positive was clear it was that he truly loved his children, and it was clearly evident. He would not pass up any chance to talk about them. "Before long I'll turn them loose on the bison herds in the south, I think. I believe they're ready, but it would be amusing sport either way. Will you come to spectate?" He sent Pyre a single lifted brow. Either they would wind up with a meal to last the lot of them for days, or the chance to chastise them for their myriad mistakes. Amon was content with either option, and he thought surely his sister would agree to the attraction. Either way, a small and secret part of him hoped he might be able to convince Pyre to travel with them for a bit. He hadn't expected to see his sister, and he wasn't keep to let her get away that easily.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!