
[M]Fool's playground



6 Years
03-08-2017, 11:58 PM

Ana was in a particularly bad mood and it wasn't curbed at all by the fact that she'd finally narrowed in on her daughter's trail. She'd lost sight of Adra a while back, more content leaving him alone than her brood, which didn't help her mood whatsoever. It was broad daylight and the sun felt like it was burning into the more sensitive and exposed parts of her skin. It was why she preferred the night - in summer heat like this she sunburned easily. All the more reason to stay out of her way when she was like this.

A soft huff escaped her as she trailed after Abyzou. The willow trees at least offered ample enough shade so long as she flitted from underneath tree to tree. Their long tendrils tickled the fur as she swished through them easily as she followed the scent with her nose close to the ground. She could pick up the scent of water now as well as the clear scent of Amon's and one of his spawn. So they'd managed to find Abyzou? Well at least she'd knocked two birds out with one stone - she'd found her daughter and a few other family members.

She arrived just in range just in time to hear a portion of the conversation. She was particularly interested in the way Abyzou addressed Amon in a less than pleasing tone. Ana, perhaps, had spoiled her a bit too much. Given her ideas far too young about how precious she was as her only child, and a godling to top it off, but the albino female certainly still expected some respect be given. While she was sure her presence had been noticed already she decided not to linger any longer and made her way towards the group with a ghost-like swiftness.

"While I commend your ability to take care of yourself it displeases me greatly when you vanish like that. I can only assume Amon and his son were merely concerned as to my whereabouts and why you were alone. You aren't even a yearling yet." She said stiffly, chastising the young girl before glancing towards her brother and nephew. It seemed they'd all get to play catch up while she waited on Adra to get his ass back to her.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]