
[M]Fool's playground



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-09-2017, 12:23 AM (This post was last modified: 03-09-2017, 12:34 AM by Amon.)

Amon could not remember the last time he'd seen Abyzou, but he was certain that she had not had this... disposition, then. Her words sank in slowly, slower than they might have otherwise, had they made sense. It had been long enough since Amon was spoken to in this manner that he couldn't find meaning in them for a heartbeat longer than he might have expected. "What the fuck do I look like, her keeper?" she asked. He felt heat begin to boil beneath his fur. "Mother goes where she wants and does as she wants," she tacked on. He drew in a deep, quiet breath. Archon, having answered Amon's question before dutifully and with the respect expected of a younger wolf, fell quiet.

With slow, calculated steps, Amon approached the water's edge. His niece was drenched, her already pathetic frame made that much smaller by the way her coat clung to her. His teal eyes had chilled, now frigid with the intensity of his rage. Were she not his kin he would rip her tongue from her mouth and feed it to her. As if she merited a visit from him and his children in the first place, as if his appearance had been anything more than happenstance. She thought far too highly of herself, and he would be overjoyed to shatter that false reality.  Looming over the smaller creature, he hissed out, "Mind your tongue, whelp. However lenient your mother is with this behavior, you'll find that I am not so understanding." He did not answer her question, and he would not. He was not at her disposal.

Anamalech's arrival could not have been timed better. Amon still fought the urge to lunge at the pup and hold her beneath the water until she begged for air. He wanted to grab the insolent bitch by her scruff and shake. Her apologies would be sweet, and they would fall on deaf ears. As it was... her mother appeared not long after. Amon's eyes whipped up to meet hers. He was certain that his rage boiled there, spilling out for her consumption. Under other circumstances, he might have been happy to see her. Under other circumstances, he might have greeted her and ask about her travels. Instead, he ground out, "Your daughter lacks respect," and said nothing more.

Abyzou's words still echoed in his mind, a hateful repetition that only fanned the flames. Let her spout off like that again, Amon decided, he had given her his warning. She'd best heed it. It is not so difficult to create pups, he reflected. About as easy as it is to discard them. If she thought her relation to him would protect her, she was dead wrong. Amon himself had lost two siblings to his father's judgement. After all, it was healthy to occasionally cull the herd...

"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!