



6 Years

03-09-2017, 07:56 PM
Faite Ethereal Adravendi

Faite grinned eagerly as her greeted her in a playful manner. Ears flicked as she mentioned that the deer were returning which was a good sign. There would be plenty for them to eat here in both the valley and the plains. Both would be prime hunting spots for them until winter rolled around once more. Assuming any more showed up she imagined they could take down with ease.

Ritsy arrived next with his usual excited, yet strange, manner as he plopped next to her with a shriek. She smiled at him and had to hold back the snort as Fortune addressed him like a mother would address their unruly pup. She could see the distaste Fortune had for him, but it was kept in check so there wasn't much she could say against it. She knew Ritsy wasn't exactly favored by all, but there was an amount of acceptance at least so that's all Faite could ask for. They didn't have to like him so long as they respected he was a part of the family.

Rin was the last to arrive and she offered her cousin a friendly tail wag. She hadn't seen much of him lately but she was glad he'd decided to come help out. It meant all her hunters were here now which was a relief. They'd had problems in Celestial with never having enough hunters - it seemed that, so far, she wouldn't be having the issue. She glanced around to see if more would show up, but she didn't expect much from Zell. He'd most likely be baby sitting since this wasn't really a hunt the kids were old enough to participate in yet.

Her attention turned back to Fortune as she addressed the rest of them. Faite was content to sit back and let her lead the hunt since she'd called them all together. So she nodded when Fortune looked to her to see if she had anything else to add. "A buck sounds good. We'll just need a way to separate it from the rest, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem."


I like to imagine
That you smile when you hear my songs

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]