
Here's To The Never Ending



9 Years
03-09-2017, 08:20 PM (This post was last modified: 03-09-2017, 08:21 PM by Creed.)
ooc: Feel free to skip Valor if you want. I personally don't really care about posting order with so many wolves in the thread xD

Avalon had wasted no time in getting to them. He glanced towards Fable and Valor before looking back at his cousin with a tired smile and weary tail wag. He nuzzled her back for a brief moment before pulling back and getting a good look at her. She was a year younger than himself, but she seemed to be aging well. Then again she also hadn't just made a long journey so naturally she looked better than himself. She also was a female so he certainly wouldn't be commenting on her age.

"It's good ta see ye too." He rumbled affectionately.

She seemed to fully have noticed his children. He smiled softly as she remarked how she had pups around their age. Not that they were really pups anymore, but they always would be in his eyes. He couldn't quite help it. Though they hardly looked like it - Fable had out grown the rest of his siblings, and even Creed too, and every day they filled out more and more into the adults they'd grow into.

"Aye. tha large one is Fable an tha green marked one is Valor."

He didn't comment about the other children that weren't here, but he was glad for the interruption when one of Avalon's older children arrived. He hadn't met the man before, but his scent coated the borders quite a bit so he could tell this must be Dragon, the one Avalon had handed the pack to when she'd stepped down as alpha.

"An ye must be Dragon, one of Avalon's older children. It's nice ta meet ye too." He said with a smile.

He was more surprised when they kept coming. A pale girl, with a rosy coloring and bright blue eyes arrived next. More surprising was the fact that she was Fable's height, but then again it seemed like largeness ran in the family. It was definitely more prominent on Avalon's side than on his own, but it was still there regardless. She seemed shyer though as she pressed herself to Avalon and he offered her a friendly smile as she eyed the two boys.

The last one to arrive was also another boy he hadn't met, but around the same age as Valor and Fable. Another kid of Avalon's maybe? He certainly looked it despite being smaller than the rest. He seemed far friendlier and less shy than the girl and Creed sat back to let the children introduce themselves as he looked to Avalon and Dragon.

"Ah hope ye don' mind us intrudin' like this. Ah figured now was good a time as any ta visit."

Walk, "Talk" Think

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