
[m]I'm the nightmare you wish was just a dream



4 Years
Extra large
03-09-2017, 08:55 PM

Mortar was unaware of the small bird following him on silent wings. He was far less concerned about tiny animals and more about how he was going to get back to open air. This place was like a dusty maze and unfortunately he wasn't familiar with the damn thing. He wasn't scared of the female he'd accidentally surprised, but so far he had no desire to follow her either. He didn't know how to feel about the fact he'd walked in on a wolf's den basically, though he couldn't imagine why anyone would want to stay here. It was cold, it was dusty, and the metal felt strange underneath his paws.

It was mostly indecision that he was feeling. He could smell a more masculine scent, the same that'd been around the outside of the ship, and he could only assume he was staying with the female. He'd wanted to see out the woman and apologize for scaring her as the kinder and more compassionate side of him demanded he must. After all, despite being a loner most of his life, he had been raised with some morals and amount of respect. The smarter and more instinctive part of him demanded that he try and find his way back out into the open where his size wouldn't hinder him and he could meet these strangers on his terms, if they'd even follow him at all.

It was eventually his indecision that would lead him to being trapped in the cafeteria. He could see two doors that would lead him out, but they seemed to be barred. He padded over to one and tried shoving, but it didn't budge. He slammed himself into it a second time and still it didn't move so he gave up. He was just about to head back the way he came when he heard a voice calling out to him. This time it was the deep masculine tones of the other wolf he'd smelled instead of the female.

"Come out, I'm not so stupid as to think you aren't here.... you owe my bitch an apology male and I will rip it from you if I must."

Anger wasn't a common emotion for him, but overall he felt threatened and him being trapped wasn't helping whatsoever. He whirled and spied the male - brown in coloration and surprisingly taller than himself. His head lowered and ears flicked back as his hackles raised instinctively. His tail flashed out level behind him as he let out a low growl for the other man to keep his distance. Mortar didn't like the idea of fighting for no reason, but he was going to protect himself if he needed to.

"Sounds like you owe her an apology first for calling her a bitch. I'm sure she has a name and bitch isn't it." He retorted.

He didn't like the idea of the male calling his... mate(?), he could only assume it was his mate, a bitch. Whatever male would stoop so low to degrade a female wasn't winning any favors with Mortar. He wasn't exactly very fond of Ray or Ricochet at this point either, but he certainly wasn't one for name calling either and such foul language didn't sit right with him. So far he didn't like this male whatsoever which was only make him more uneasy.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: OLU8WZY.png]