
[m]I'm the nightmare you wish was just a dream



4 Years
03-09-2017, 11:31 PM
Lucifer's lunge at her had Vianni rolling onto her back, meaning his legs hit her already bruised side. It took everything she had within herself to keep from jumping up and retaliating for the pain he caused, but the fact that it existed at all meant she lived. The reappearance of Corvus had her relaxing even as it clearly vexed Lucifer. As the giant male turned and left, his flicking tail signaled her to follow. Still feeling spiteful, Vianni hesitates for a few beats before she realizes there would only be more pain if she didn't do what he said. While she didn't mind the bloodshed or the actual pain itself, she did mind the recovery time and the weakness that followed such foolish rebellions. Vianni was a smart woman, and to survive Lucifer, one had to be extraordinarily clever. When she catches up, it is just in time to hear the stranger's reply to whatever Lucifer had said before.  

'Sounds like you owe her an apology first for calling her a bitch. I'm sure she has a name and bitch isn't it.' With Lucifer's massive butt in her way, Vianni couldn't see who was speaking. Black rimmed ears lace back over her delicate looking crown, and she silently lifted a lip to reveal her right fang in silent displeasure at being blockaded by the man of her dreams. Huffing quietly, the woman lowers herself and belly crawls between Lucifer's legs to see if she could spot the male in the darkness of the cafeteria. "Did he call me a bitch?" She gives a mocking growl and looks up at her mate, "Well then, I must be a bitch. He calls 'em like he sees 'em. I wear the title rather well." She gives Lucifer a dashing grin, then turns her eyes back to the stranger.

"Besides, you frightened me before he spoke. You apologize first. And maybe everyone gets to keep all their limbs!" The words are said with an oddly chipper voice, laced with sarcasm and honey. Her tail waved a bit behind her, dusty rose gaze on the stranger as she waited. Her life hadn't been this much fun before Lucifer. She could get used to this.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.