
[m?] Welcome home, to the sanitarium,



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-10-2017, 12:32 AM
OOC: Sorry was being lazy with html lol!

It was the cat that caught the behemoth's attention, she had never seen such a magnificently spotted coat, and she decided that she would find out where he got his from and if she could borrow it for a while. That was, until the animal responded to another's voice, a masculine voice. Silent as the grave, Naamah stops and watches the pair of them, red orbs flickering eerily in the dim lighting as a soft breeze moves the limbs of the trees. She stood downwind, and the air that flowed through the brush hit her face and brought with it the scent of the cat and the male it spoke to. Another wolf, and a male with such a dangerous pet to boot. She would have to meet him now! Who's there? The male called, his voice strong and seemingly fearless. The dark witch had heard his like before, and the shrill screams they made as they fell still rang in her ears. Her father begging Lilith to stop her attack, thinking it was his daughter, the one he abused and hated had reduced him to a blubbering mass of blood and fur.

Cupping the earth in her paws and keeping her claws up made it easy to mask her approach, though the cawing of the crows had stopped. The very air around them seemed to tense with anticipation of Naamah's next move, as if the terrain held its breath and waited for the blood that would water it. There would be no blood brought, Naamah needed to be brought back to life, caught up on all of the things happening in the world. Now was not a time for risky behavior. Halting her stride a few body lengths away from the male and his cat, Naamah smirks but quickly hides the expression. "It is unwise to go yelling around in the maze...the dead may hear you." Her head twitched to the left as a tendon tensed before relaxing again. Her mismatched red gaze watched over the pair as she waited the reaction to her silent and stealthy approach.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.