
Ancora Pups



2 Years
03-10-2017, 08:59 PM
Ooc Name: Rivaxorus
Character Name: Exodus

The first thing to notice about the young wolf is that the life of a loner has not treated him kindly. Aside from the days when he was lucky the yearling is a very lean wolf. His fur sticks to most of himself and he doesn't have much muscle mass. Being hard to tell because of his age but the obvious underweight of the boy becomes apparent when you get closer. His ribs barely visible under his side pelt and his legs a little bit skinnier than they should be. But with some time and effort he should fill out. With muscles underneath him, convinced he was built as a hunter as well his lean form will remain the same.

His appearance derives mostly from his father though. Exodus may be similar but he is also vastly different in many ways. His base coat derives from a silver, a deep gray color that makes up the majority of his body not including his markings. His markings are black in color, starting along a bridge of his nose - covering his snout and stopping at the top of his forehead. Beginning again along the back of his head where it goes along his shoulders aside from the splash of white that claims the between of those shoulders. The black continues on to color in both of his front limbs aside from his paws. The black then continues along his back and all the way to his back limbs much like his front, the black colors in the front of his back legs as well stopping only just before the black on his back. The black then colors almost his entire tail aside from the bottom half which is covered in white. His chest has a splash of this black as well. His white as described before, covers the tips of his right ear just above the black portion it covers along with between his shoulders. His left ear's tip is completely black, and then a stripe of black also sits a little lower down before it fades into the gray base. A spot on his forehead also is white, then it covers his chest as well as the underneath of his stomach. Lastly all four paws are delicately wrapped in the same white as well as the underneath of his tail. The amazing thing would be his last marking - the green "tear" that comes from the bottom of both eyes. Coming together into a triangle along his cheek.

Exodus orbs pull together in a lavender color - one thing is that his emotions do not show easily within these eyes despite his kind disposition. They sit in their periwinkle form soft almost all the time - hiding his more negative traits should they be shown.


I tried to pick the traits pertaining to his current personality and not changing much aside from his growing age. I know he could gain/lose some through ic interaction as well. Hopefully I stayed true to him and kept him balanced.

The positive


Exodus has always been one to love adventure. If this means exploring beyond his pack lands then so be it. The opportunity to learn new things in this life is something the young boy craves deep in his bones. Perhaps that being the nomadic blood that runs through his veins, but regardless he isn't afraid of new things and new wolves. Every step he takes he wants to be perfect - Exodus' eyes and ears are open to the things around him.

As adventurous as he is he also has no problem sticking to one place where he is needed. An "adventure" doesn't always mean travelling to far places as he likes. Sometimes it's the story created with those he is around. Those he meets and the imprint he may make on them that will make the world a better place in his eyes.


The young boy is someone who is very laid back. It takes a lot to get under Exodus' skin - he doesn't like much confrontation. The point of his life is to live it relaxed and with a smile. He wants to be the brother who everyone can come to when they want to forget the gloom and enjoy their time together. While he can have his days like anyone else he's fairly easy going and not even those who are loud mouthed or aggressive can normally mess up his day.

Exodus thinks that if he is calm, then that energy will carry on to those who are around him. Even if it's not him smiling and being happy just offering an environment that is free of someone trying to nag them or get something out of them. Exodus won't ask anything of his family and friends that's one thing that he is certain of.


He enjoys trying to figure most things out. A challenge is always fun for him if it can strengthen his mind capacity any. Exodus find fun in solving difficult problems and puzzled that he is faced with. While in a serious setting it might not be very fun, but there is something exciting that sparks in him from trying to find a way out from a dangerous situation or finding a good solution to any other problem at hand. Exodus is rather insightful about it as well.

Exodus despite his age is very good at voicing his opinions and giving his own advice out as well. Considering from what he could be considered "clever" for. He doesn't try to go above and beyond what is expected of him he simply finds joy in what he believes to be a self achievement for himself. It's hard to hold secrets around this one.


Even if he's not trying Exodus' kindness is very charming. Around any and all other wolves he is rather charismatic. His laid back personality and everything else about him screams a good time to be spent with. His smile is attractive and he doesn't try going off and proving himself, Exodus' only desire is to simply be himself and to live his life as full as he can. He's slightly extroverted and does well with words when speaking with others.

In a way, Exodus is charming without even trying. If someone says something about it, he may even get a bit bashful. Something that he tends to avoid, as he knows he has weaknesses but if anyone were to ever see them he thinks it might all be over for him. As such it's easy for Exodus to make friends and if they see how protective he can be even better.


Being so family orientated Exodus is painfully loyal to the things that are close to him. His family for one and friends for another. This is why the sense of betrayal is so harmful for him. Toxic even when someone does him wrong and he isn't in the mood of forgiving. For all that he may be kind, and calm he is also fierce and nobody could ever question where his heart may lie. Nothing is ever in between it's clear cut yes and no when it comes to where his loyalties lie. He would gladly throw a stranger off a bridge if it meant saving those he knew and were close to.

Exodus' loyalty also stems to himself. He knows full well he should take care of himself so that others do not worry about him. It doesn't take a lot for him to like others either. So his trust is easily earned - but also when broken it isn't easily or at all earned back. For he'll do anything to protect what he assumes is right.

The negative


Exodus is critical of his own decisions. While it may not show he's always questioning if one thing or another was the right thing to have done. Not to mention when it comes to others when they have broken his trust. He is one to always want to get better though, so him getting critical is his way of criticizing himself. Mistakes don't bode well and if things don't go perfectly he can get discouraged for a few moments.

While also critical of others, in a jealous almost way he doesn't act or say these things out loud. He has a very clean cut view of what is right in this world. While the decisions of others may not affect him he thinks it's important if others speak about what is wrong so they can fix it. Even if in his case he lets it get over his head when bad things happen.


There are times when Exodus simply wakes up in a bad mood. Woken up on the wrong side of the den so to speak. Where he won't be his usual extroverted self. He would rather curl up in his den for the day and there isn't much of a reason behind it. He may not be snappy or anything of the like, but his efforts in that day may not be as much as he is on a good day. Exodus also hates it when others ask him what's wrong - when there is nothing but this melancholy feeling he has.

The best thing to do when Exodus feels this way is to leave him be. He'll go off and hunt, try to do something that will be worth his time and still try to chase the bad feeling away. The gist of it being it will never harm him, there are just some days like this. He's accepted it and would not apologize for his behavior since it's normal for him.


Exodus doesn't like to leave things in the dust. He's obsessive over almost anything that may interest him. Not to mention information that is withheld. As much as things don't bother him, he wants to know all that is going on in his circle. Not to mention his obsessive nature when it comes to tasks at hand. Everything must be done as instructed or things might go wrong.

So in a way it may not be in the way many may think of it. Exodus is not harmfully obsessive but at times it may become annoying. His hovering fatherly tendencies as to what he wants to know. His temper could be shown but he quickly lets it slip to the back of his long fused mind.


If you've made a mistake in the past, that's a way to get on his bad side. When it comes to the more evil type stuff at least. He doesn't like those who are more chaotically aligned. There is a thin line between good and bad and Exodus believes he's the white knight of it all. At least is what he'd like to be. So no king or tyrants are going to get any respect from him. Not to mention those who betray his trust, threaten his family - he will not hesitate to never forgive and forget burning those memories into his brain.

Exodus believes that his family is on the right side of the line. Everyone else isn't worth his kind words if they want to provoke him. He will not hesitate to protect what he believes is right. Even if he isn't much one for confrontation there is always a extreme and exception to almost everything. Exodus isn't afraid to make outsiders know that he dislikes them, as long as he knows he isn't going to get in trouble for such a thing.


Mistaken can be a very umbrella term for the male. Catching him in his wrong moments can easily send him going down a different train of thought. Exodus likes spending time alone - in which case might be taken as he dislikes what is around him. Exodus loves his life - he loves his family even more so. However when he gets into his snappy moods when taken to the extreme he can seem aggressive even that isn't how he is at all.

Exodus also takes the wrong thing about others easily. He trusts others words over meeting the other wolf first. Delving into his prejudice ways - he can easily be mistaken to others habits and personality unless he finally is convinced otherwise. Seeing it first hand isn't always the best action, but if someone is there to put him in line it doesn't matter.

Option 1:
Being the adventurous little pup he is Exodus tried to follow his mother when she left with Surreal, Regulus and Falk. Only to get lost, this entire time was spent trying to find his way back home after he lost his mothers trail.

Option 2:
While chasing a butterfly he was swept away by a storm elsewhere. Amazed that he even survived he found his way back with the help of strangers and the strengths he learned along the way.

I didn't know which sounded better to you I know the first was the same as Tea's xD so I was hesitant to use it when I suddenly realized it was the same.

To be honest I really want a wolf whose involved into his family. So he'd be staying in Celestial with the intention of holding down the fort and getting closer to his father and everyone else. I plan on him being mainly a hunter - possibly a navigator as well with his hate of getting lost or something like that. Anything else is totally what happens in rp.