
It Has Begun [Birthing]



10 Years
03-11-2017, 12:08 AM

She wasn't quite sure where she was, or where to go from here. She had wandered in here, and now she was lost. She had been walking for the better part of the day, the air cold and temperatures dropping as the cold season took over Auster. She still hadn't found her sister, but part of her had more or less stopped searching after her encounter with Elias. That day had taken a major toll on her, and she felt that if she showed up at her sisters doorstep after that, she'd feel ashamed for having let it happen. What would Avalon think for her being so damn weak!? No. She couldn't bear it. So instead, she had remained secluded in the many forests that dotted the landscape. That is, until she ended up here. It was like a maze, the woman panting from the effort of walking and the weight of her brood. She was tired, hungry, and overall just feeling like complete crap. She wasn't sure how to get out of here either, and backtracking wasn't an option since her trail went all over the place. Bi-colored gaze searched for a way through the bamboo, but it was too thick and strong for her to push her way. On top of that, she felt like she didn't have the energy to do it, let alone try harder.

More time passed, the woman growing more weary with each minute. She began to feel a dull ache in her backside, and slight panic began to rise in her chest. She remembered this feeling from when she had her first litter. "No no no no no..." She repeated to herself. She couldn't give birth now! What if she had complications? What if something went wrong? What if she had them and never found her way out of here? Many thoughts went through her head, and she was growing more panicked as the aches became stronger, more real until they turned into full on contractions. She winced in pain, teeth gritting as she stopped where she was. Each step was intolerable, so she gave in and lied down where she was. She hadn't given birth alone before, and she was afraid that this would be the first time. Her eyes squeezed shut as she lay on her side, panting as she tried to get through the pain of the contractions.



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