
Kickstart My Heart



06-25-2013, 02:48 PM
Kai explained she was very new. Great! she thought with a broad grin, tail wagging with alarming speed behind her slender frame. Even though Valhalla was a rather large group of wolves, that did not stop her from finding herself thrilled to meet new faces what felt like each and every day.

Arella's ears perked with keen interest at the game that Kai had in store for them. Hide and seek! What a great game. The expression on her gentle features widened, her blue eyes glowing with unabashed excitement. Kai offered to be it first, and she agreed readily with an excited nod of her head. As soon as she closed her eyes, Arella set off, ignoring mostly where Ryker went off to. However, she borrowed his idea of wandering about a bit. The soft sound of the two pups' paw steps filled the ear, their small paws making the snow crunch beneath their slight weight.

Before long, and not too far away, Arella found a fallen log. She was lucky that it had fallen on top of the snow, rather than been lying there for long. It left here plenty of room to dig some of the snow out, and slide half her body under it. What a great hiding spot, she thought, totally unaware of the danger she could potentially face if the snow that supported the fallen tree collapsed and left her pinned beneath. But no.. it just seemed like a good hiding spot to her.