
Southern Pride(wip)


03-11-2017, 09:50 PM
The designs:
Design 1
Design 2 -Taken by FenBen
Design 3
Design 4
Design 5
Design 6 -Taken by Envy
Design 7
Design 8 -Taken by Raii
Design 9
Design 10

The open creation adopts:
These would be the friends of the family if you want in but don't want a premade design or name, for these you may bring your own design and names along with surnames.

The friends they can't live without:
These are for those that want to bring their own designs but have set names.

They're the friends that are almost as close as kin to the family.

Tripp Larson | male
Dakota Larson | female
Boudreaux Carmine | female
Memphis Rivers | male
Dallas Rivers | male

The Family:
4 year litter(born early Fall)
Smith | male
Wesson | maleTaken by Raii

3 year litter(born mid Summer)
Remington | male
Winchester | male
Daisy | female
Bersa | female

2 year litter(born Late Summer)
Ruger | male
Taurus | male
Glock | maleTaken by FenBen
Colt | male Taken by Asena
Beretta | female Taken by Envy

Facts about the family:
  • Names revolve around guns and knives, so all offspring will have such a name though nicknames are likely
  • Boys are usually taught to hunt and fight with a less formal education than the girls
  • Girls are given a formal education and taught to care for the pack and family, they are not usually taught to fight or hunt beyond the basics
  • They all have extreme southern accents and use typical southern slang
  • the boys are extremely respectful to girls and will defend even a stranger if they see a need to
  • the family has a hereditary marking in the form of brow dots
  • The family would all know how to brew teas and ferment fruits into wines, to which some may have a tendency to ingest more often than others(they may be slight alchololics)
  • eye colors vary for them and can be almost any color, reds and black would be rare
  • the practice of docking tails during puphood is practiced by this family but girls rarely ever will have a docked tail.
  • Alignments can be anywhere from lawful good to chaotic nuetral
  • Family is extremely important and having litter's without caring for them would be frowned upon
  • those that harm females and family would be hunted down most likely by the boys of the family
  • the family is the typical southern type that most people picture
  • Size varies drastically for the family, as Savage was 45 inches and their mother was only 30 inches. Their family before could of been any height.

The rules:
I want to see these guys and gals be active and the family become even bigger eventually. Should you not longer want them or you set them as inactive, I reserve the right to take them back. I will likely only do so if they are inactive for extended periods of time or you disappear without notice.
I have included the designs of their mother and father in case you wanted to see and try to make a different design for them. Though I have included the designs in which I did for the family, I do not require that you use them. These designs are for this family only and as such are not for any other adopt nor are they free for you to use elsewhere.

<b>OC Name:</b>
<b>Email if not a member:</b>
<b>Character Name:</b>
<b>Design number:</b>
<b>Personality:</b> at least 200 words

<b>Appearance:</b> at least 100 words

<b>Role play sample:</b>(not necessary but I would love to see one)
