
The Beast Inside

Valor I


8 Years

03-11-2017, 08:05 PM

They had gotten here not too long ago, but already Valor was out and about while their father rested. It was obvious the trip hadn't been easy on him and he knew Creed would most likely want to rest and then catch up with the rest of the family. In the mean time he figured that, to kill some time, exploring these new and foreign lands wasn't a bad idea. He could see the appeal to the place - they had a wide open field that he imagined blossomed wonderfully in the summer time, and they even had an interesting tower of rocks that was hollowed out in the inside. He'd already discovered that they made great dens and had a lot of interesting and strange objects inside.

His exploration was interrupted at the sound of a howl. Dark ears flicked forward curiously as he vaguely recognized the voice to belong to the woman he'd met at the borders. His Dad's cousin? Well now that he thought about it they were all cousins, somehow, but trying to think of how they were related made his brain hurt so he didn't focus on the thought for long. Instead he wrestled with the idea of attending this meeting. He wasn't a Talis member, but it wasn't like he had anything better to do. They wouldn't be returning home for a couple days and everything had been horribly silent at home. He could show up to a training, right? He supposed if he wasn't wanted then he could just leave to go explore again and if he could stay he'd learn something new so it was a win win situation either way.

So he padded towards the meeting place and wasn't surprised to see two of the other kids he'd seen at the borders. He didn't spy Fable there yet. Would he even show up at all? Then there was a strange male there, older than him, another female that looked like she could be related to them, and then Avalon. He glanced around somewhat awkwardly, not sure where to sit, before taking a seat by himself not too far away from Avalon's other children.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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