
The Beast Inside


03-11-2017, 11:01 PM

He was there, actually, just hidden. He had heard the call while he sat at their make shift den, creeping over to it and hunkering his large form in a bush. Fable wasn't sure if he was able to make himself known, it was called for the pack and he wasn't part of the pack. Their father said that they were just going to rest a bit before going home, it wasn't his place to sit in on a training. Licking at his inky lips he watched as others showed up, a flush warming his cheeks when he realized that he was spying on them. It wasn't any better than sitting there, so he turned to head back to the den. Just as he rose up, Valor walked over and sat down beside Avalon's kids. He blinked his blue and yellow eyes he paused, looking between his brother and the others. Well... if Valor was there then he could be too, right? If it was hunting they should help for being allowed to stay here, and if it was fighting then he could always spar with his brother. Plus it would be nice to get some practice in with other wolves! With a light in his eyes he stepped out of his hiding place, looking a bit sheepish as he revealed himself. The large male slowly padded over to Valor, sitting at his side and playfully bumping his shoulder against his own. He had only had one fight training with their father, he was tired all the time and Fable hadn't wanted to bother him. This would help him get more practice. His features dropped into a more stoic look as he focused on Avalon, but even that couldn't hide his determination that glowed in his bi-coloured eyes.