
Unsteady Return



06-25-2013, 03:51 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

A sting. A sting was tolerable. She could handle a sting. Drawing in a breath, Ashtoreth let it slip from her muzzle slowly as she gave her head a quick, resolute nod, signifying to the small healer that she understood and was ready. There was no turning back now, and even though she was more than relieved to finally have a trained someone tend to the wound upon her leg, she was still nervous over the whole experience. She had never been one for pain, had never truly been one for inflicting it on others either. Even when she hunted, at least where small game was concerned, she tried to make the catch as swift as possible. And never had she even considered the profession of healer. Squeamish herself, she would flinch and fidget at the sight of open wounds, and would have been no use as she apologized profusely for causing more pain as she tended to it. No, she was a hunter, a rather a weak hunter, but a hunter nonetheless. And she was completely outside of her comfort zone.

Ash tried to be strong but still managed to flinch and clench her jaws as the poultice was gently smoothed across her wounds, muscles tensing as she made herself hold still and not draw her leg instinctively away. Eris worked quietly and efficiently, and after a time the slim grey wolf began to relax again. The little healer had been right; it didn't hurt that bad.

As Eris stepped away from her handiwork and went to clean herself up by the stream, her patient watched her leave curiously before turning her gold and purple eyes on the wound, pushing herself upward slightly in order to see more easily. The poultice looked strange and unappealing, but the feel of it against the exposed flesh was soothing. Part of her wished that she might have already been inside of her den so that she could simply nod off where she lay and let it to its work without her possibly squirming enough to hinder its healing. She was still examining it when Eris returned and sat herself across from her to begin giving out instructions, making note of a daily changing and immobility. Ashtoreth turned and glanced at her then, a somewhat worried look to her face. Not that she wanted to go running on it just yet, but she was a hunter for her pack, an important part of what kept them all healthy and well. If she slacked, then so could the rest. But as her ears fell back in dislike, she knew she would have been no good on her feet in this condition anyway.

Considering the known circumstances regarding how she had acquired her injury, the last thing the hunter had expected was a compliment. And not entirely feeling she deserved complimenting, she answered with a dry smile, "All brawn and no brain. I shouldn't have let it happen in the first place." Even as the words left her mouth, however, it felt wrong. She was being rude to someone who had risked their own neck trespassing on claimed territory to help another in need. The least she could do was show her some kindness. "But thanks. My leg feels better already, too. You really have a healer's touch." There was still the matter of tending to her injury daily, and considering all the healer had done for her so far, when she held no allegiances to Ashtoreth or her pack, it felt wrong trying to keep her around longer than necessary. "I think - if you'll give me the okay on it - I'll find a Valhallan healer on my way to my den so someone can tend to this tomorrow. I don't want to take up any more of your time." She managed a polite, thankful smile to Eris, unsure what the healer spent her days doing but not wanting to feel like a bother to her schedule.