
You Feel Like Home



8 Years
03-12-2017, 11:05 PM
I just wanna be by your side
She giggled again as she watched his haunches wriggle from side to side in a display of happiness. For such a large and powerful man, Regulus really could act so youthful sometimes. Solveiga always loved seeing that side of him. And it was something of a miracle that such a youthfulness could still exist inside him. For some, loss was enough to snuff out the light. The little healer was glad to see that his light was still shining. When she looked back up, his gentle smile sent warmth straight into her belly. It was like the sun was coming out from the clouds, chasing away the shadows and the cold all at the same time. This is what home felt like, and Solveiga was just grateful to have finally found it.

Solveiga stepped further into the territory as her alpha rose, and she began to walk beside him. He dwarfed her so much; she had almost forgotten how childlike she felt beside him. But it was safe, too. She had seen what he could do. He could protect her, if she ever needed it. The grasses swished softly underfoot as the pair continued to walk side by side, and Solveiga strayed closer, so that the distance between them could not have exceeded a few inches. Occasionally that distance closed and the crimson fur of his side brushed and mingled with her own. She couldn't deny that all sorts of butterflies got stirred up whenever that happened. Surely she was just shy around him, as she had always been. Solveiga, after all, didn't have many male friends. And certainly none that seemed larger than life, as Regulus did.

She shook her head gently at his words. "Don't be so hard on yourself, you've had more than enough to deal with lately," she said. She had heard about his mother. But the passing of his father was too recent for the young woman to have heard of it yet. "I'm so sorry," Solveiga whispered, wishing to offer her friend her condolences, even though she knew it could be a painful thing to even bring up. "Regulus, you... you were there for me, when my mother passed. I want to do the same for you... if you'll let me."

And then, after she had given the alpha enough time to respond, it was on to brighter topics of conversation. No need to dwell on sad things right now. This was a happy reunion. "I'll help to make up for how quiet it's been. I've learned a lot about healing, in my absence. I'm excited to get back to doing what I love." And that, of course, meant being a healer for Celestial. If that was alright with Regulus.