
vantage point



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
03-13-2017, 06:12 PM

"It must be some of the blood that got stuck in my ears." he answered slyly, his words full of amusement. He would be quick to return his attention to his sire, who had asked him if the locals he'd run into had impressed. His handsome features would turn into a disappointed look before he would share his adventures.
"Hardly. If I'm being honest they were hardly worth my time, but I needed to stretch my legs. Most were terrified at the sight of me, either becoming frozen in place or making an attempt to flee from my grasp; neither option ended very well. There were some though, that decided to try and fight back; those were certainly interesting."

He would listen to Lili's recounting of her day's adventures, pleased that she'd found somewhere to collect and learn about this new region's plant life. While not the largest of the brood, she certainly made up for her lack of height with her intelligence. And then it was Astaroth's turn. She would recount the information she'd collected about the lands, which apparently happened to be inhabited by some local packs. That certainly piqued Archon's interest and he was sure it would pique his father's interest as well. They would have to scout out these packs and figure out how to dispose of them. There was no room for other posers. The Abraxas were the only ones deserving and fit to oversee these lands.

After his sister had said her piece, he had expected her to be done, but it appeared that was not the case. His brows furrowed over his eyes at her words; please do not attack my companion. Companion? What the hell kind of companion did she have? The prince's hackles rose along his spine and he brought himself up on all four paws, placing his massive body in front of Lilith's, ready to dismember whomever his other sister had brought along with her. What the hell did she need a companion for? His piercing gaze would find the shape of a serpent in the grass, watching as it made its way towards the she-wolf, climbing up her as she were a tree before settling on her shoulders, looking very at home on the silver wolf. A low rumble vibrated in the beast's chest at the sight of it hanging around his sister's neck. It was absolutely disgusting.

Astaroth introduced the reptile, claiming that it had some relation to their fallen god. Did she truly believe that? His demented sister seemed to. Archon would look towards his father, wanting to know what the God thought of his development before the young man voiced his own opinion.

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