
A Bright, New Future [joining thread]


06-25-2013, 04:11 PM

She couldn't help but have the physical attributions to her nervousness. The slight shakes of her legs as she approached the border to Seracia, as well as her rapid breathing and eyes shimmering with an anxious read. Her previous tail twitching became more evident with each step in the crunchy snow underfoot. The once perked ears had begun to fold, flattening bit by bit. It wasn't until her focus was on Gerhardt's words that those observed movements changed. His tone, the encouragement through each one, and his confident smile and gaze together made Aeil's own thoughts relax.
From the inside out, the same wave of calmness splashed across Aeil's body. Her muscles stopped their consistent shakes. The ticks in her tail ceased, causing it to limply hang between her hind legs. Respirations became slow and gathered, supplying more oxygen to her working brain. Her ears unfolded and continued to take in the meaning of his words. He was already proud of her...They were friends...Everyone in Seracia wouldn't have a problem with her joining... "Okay.." she said softly.
Aeil looked at Gerhardt with a gentle gaze. All she could do was nod and the movement caused a smile to appear. Half-lidded eyes moved from the King's maw to the lad that stretched out from the border. She wanted to take it all in, absorb the details of her new home, but doing it all at once would be too much. For a strong wolf, she was in a fragile state of mind. It was all about believing, and with Gerhardt as her King, she knew it was worth the chance to do so.
She watched Gerhardt step across the borders to his home, where many other wolves had stepped and more would continue to be welcomed. Eyes hit the ground beneath her paws, still frostbitten from the snow and white as a mourning dove's wing. Aeil closed them, took in a deep breath, and took the necessary steps forward. The actual walking wasn't long, and when she felt Gerhardt's warmth close to her, she raised her head. She opened her eyes, which had changed from their dark blue to a mellow turquoise. Exhaling, she saw her breath become a temporary mist and her teeth shined in her wide smile. "I did it..." she said, looking over her left shoulder to see from where she had come. A look of satisfaction shone from her face as she turned back to look at Gerhardt. "...and I will never look back."
Everything about her was confident, nervous thoughts and anxiety gone. With a gentle wag of her tail, she playfully nudged the King and padded a few steps ahead of him. "Come on, Gerhardt Mathias. We're not through the woods yet!" Her play on words made her laugh and she looked back, eagerly waiting to have him join her and take the lead again.
