



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-14-2017, 08:34 AM

Naamah admitted that she was familiar enough with the area, and Amon was glad of it. He was a man used to advantage, in whatever form it may be, which included a concrete knowledge of where he roamed and the flora and fauna which he might find there. He would soak up whatever information she chose to part with... But, it would seem that it came with a price. She gave him a sly smile and told him he owed her dinner first. He owed her something. His mind seemed to skip a gear, jolting as it stopped and started again. His eyes narrowed and he gave her a thoughtful look. He did not owe anyone anything and the insinuation ought to be enough to raise his temper.

And yet, somehow, she continued to escape his ire.

Surprising even himself, he tossed his head back and let out a hearty bark of laughter. "You tread on rotting ice, madam," he said at last. "But aye, I will find you a meal. This won't take but a moment." Perhaps it was her own somewhat haughty persona, her size more akin to his, the promise of violence in her ruby eyes. He would not admit that he was glad of the strange woman's company, still a bit uncertain if he actually was, but he didn't feel a need to run her off, which left her far better off than most strangers who crossed his path.

Amon turned his hulking frame around and disappeared into the mist. It's presence was doing him no favors, scattering scents and dramatically reducing visibility, but he was unperturbed. Large prey was likely out of the question, so he put his nose to the ground, seeking signs of perhaps a rabbit warren or nest game birds. So absorbed was he with the earth beneath his feet, he almost did not notice a doe flicking her tail anxiously at him from a few yards ahead. The smell of her washed over him at once and his head whipped up. She could not have been more than twenty yards ahead but... she did not run. Amon froze, considering. She was a hefty creature, and while he was certain he would be able to catch and bring down such a beast in other conditions, he did not like the idea of a headlong sprint through the thick fog. Then again, with the way she was just frozen there, almost taunting him into chasing her- Oh.

Amon grinned. Clever, he thought. But not clever enough. He turned his attention away from her, sniffing the air anew. She let out a concerned bleat but it was too late. When her fawn burst from cover he was on it in a heartbeat. It was likely a late birth, still young enough that it had been hiding in the bracken when he approached. The mother had likely known he was there long before he had detected her, and while he commended her efforts, in the end it was no use. His teeth clamped down around the frail neck of the fawn, and he shook. The mother had fled by the time he looked up.

More than proud of himself (and how clever he'd been to outsmart the doe's dastardly scheme) he returned to Naamah with the fawn dangling from his jaws and a bit of swagger in his step. It had not been the easiest thing in the world to bring back, it's hind hooves dragging along the ground between his paws, but here he was. He dropped the carcass at her paws and gave her a sweeping, overly dramatic bow. "One meal, as requested," he rumbled out. He turned then and lay down, content to rest a bit while she ate, and fully intending to claim whatever was left of the carcass after she had had her fill.

"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!