
the clouds above move closer



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
03-15-2017, 11:17 AM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2017, 11:59 AM by Tealah.)
Tornach shifted cautiously at the sound of pawsteps, coming to his feet and turning in one smooth motion. It wouldn't be the first time some trouble maker had tried to take advantage of the pen to take one of the calves. But who he saw wasn't a trouble maker, though not at all expected either. "Baine?" Surprise colored his voice at seeing his delicate white litter mate so far from home. "Come in the shade, you shouldn't be out in the sun so long. You're going to get sunburn." He knew he was fussing over her needlessly, but to be honest the sight of her brought an icy sliver of dread into his heart. Every time he had seen family lately it had been because of some tragedy or another, or he had learned of yet another tragedy,so part of him expected just that. He fussed over her to delay what his bruised heart told him was inevitable.

A stranger's voice drew his attention, though, and he turned again to see the little female nervously guarding a patch of herbs and staring at the fenced elk. "Hello," he returned softly, not wishing to frightened the obviously nervous girl. He spoke with calm gentleness, as though to a frightened feral creature, or to a patient. "It all right. I made it myself, see? I dug posts into the ground and wove saplings through them to hold back the elk so they can't go anywhere else. I take care of them, you see, and when it is time to cull the herd I will be able to take what I need and trade the meat to wolves who need it."

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

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