
Oh my soul


03-15-2017, 01:46 PM
The female felt as though she were far too rusty, even with doing her rounds around Abaven, to simply just sit idly by and let the world go on around her. How long had it been since she last felt the thrill of a battle, the battlesong roaring through her heart as she came toe to toe with an opponent. The femme yearned for that feeling again, to know what it was like to taste flesh, blood, and fur. Pyrrhus wasn’t necessarily blood thirsty per sae, but she was a warrior, and when she was idle her spirit cried out for that feeling.

Then again Pyrrhus had never dealt with loss the way with some wolves had. To her, getting to know someone was them giving her a fresh scar to her body. So long as she kept her sight and important bits she saw no reason to hide in shame at gaining a new one. There was a fire that burned within her spirit, that same fire that once burned within her grandmother, though the difference with Pyrr was she had the build to back up such a personality. But even with that build she knew she was far from a perfect fighter. She had to get stronger.

So it was to the battlefield that the she-wolf went first, her fiery gaze scanning the terra for any individual that might prove worth a challenge. Ears perked, and a smile graced her lips as she heard the inviting howl. There was a willing opponent somewhere on this field; she merely had to meet him.

So with thundering, massive paws Pyrr broke into a run in the direction the call had sounded from, slowing only once the other individual was close enough to hear her voice. “Ahhh the sound of battle edging closer. Do you hear it, friend?” Whenever it came to fighting Pyrr was in a good, friendly mood. She stopped fully, dipping her head to the smaller wolf. “I am Pyrrhus Kedieo, and I’d like the honor of being your opponent today, if such suits you.”