
[Faite] Stay the night



9 Years
Dragon Mod

Valentines 2020Trick 2019
03-16-2017, 12:39 AM

She hadn't been to the farthest part of the plains yet, but today would be that day! She raced across the land as fast as her little legs could carry her, though she supposed she wasn't that little anymore. She was a little over 6 months old now, but compared to her father and the rest of her siblings, she was considerably small. But it didn't bother her because that meant she could always ride on her daddy's back! Tongue flopped out as her paws kissed the ground, the summer wind brushing her fur as she went. Soon, smells she hadn't smelled before reached her nose, and she giggled as she put on more speed to get there faster and see what all there was to see! As the girl came to the top of a small rise, she pushed herself through some bushes (because going around was overrated) and she stopped once her head popped through.

She saw water, and sand, and lots of other things! "So this is where the river goes!" She always wondered where the water went, and now she knew! She started to wiggle her way out from under the bush, when suddenly she saw something bright and colorful down by the shore. Dual toned eyes watched with extreme curiosity, what the heck was that!? Squinting her eyes, she could see that it was another pup just like her! Oh how exciting! Her rump set to wiggling as her tail wagged back and forth with ferocity, and she tried to scramble the rest of the way out until she realized...she was stuck. She pushed with her legs and stretched her neck forward (as if that would help) but the bush would not release it's prisoner. She tried for several minutes, until finally she admitted defeat and flopped her head on the ground. Eyes wandered to the colorful puppy on the shore, whining since she wanted to so badly go and investigate. Ears perked then when she got an idea! Maybe the other pup could help her! "Hey! Heeeeeeeyyyy!!! Can you halp me!? I'm stuck!"

Walk, "Talk" Think
