
Remix to Ignition



5 Years
03-17-2017, 12:44 PM

Kai's rough attempt at flirtation fell flat on it's face. The woman did not seem to have the slightest idea that he'd been trying to be sly. She gently rebuked him and he felt a certain embarrassed heat begin to glow under his fur. He did his best to brush it off, allowing the moment to fall flat. Her comments on the nature of the season were philosophical, and he turned his gaze back to the vibrant beauty which surrounded them. "I suppose so. Each ending begins something new, after all." Still, he would be glad to see winter pass. Having been caught in a blizzard in his youth had somewhat disheartened the male towards the entirety of the season. Of course, he did not particularly enjoy the heat of summer either, and so contented himself with making the most of his time now.

Of course, good company made that all the more enjoyable. Ardora didn't seem keen to speak of her homeland, instead latching onto something he'd said in passing. More of them? Well... That would depend on what she meant. "Brilliantly colored wolves, you mean? Well... Yes. In fact my homeland entirely lacked the bland, grey coats that are more common here. As for those colored akin to us, it was as intermixed as a black wolf among the greys." He shrugged, made slightly uncomfortable in talking about this homeland. As he had spent time in Boreas and Auster, coming to know the wolves here, he had come to understand that the pervasive intensity and religious fervor of his people was not in fact common at all. He had called into question his own view of the gods, and decided finally to live life for himself. To think of them, and to remember the souls he had left behind, was... saddening.

He tried his hardest to change the subject. "I had come here intending to find a meal, not that the company is unappreciated, of course. You are a worthy distraction but alas, the hunger persists. Would you care to join me?" Two minds were better than one after all, and between the two of them they may even be able to fell something as large as a deer if they were lucky. Fish or beaver would do just as well otherwise, but he was not terribly fond of the taste. He hoped Ardora would agree, and possibly have a few ideas of her own.

"Talk" "You" Think