



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-17-2017, 03:50 PM

His catch was well received, not that Amon expected anything less. He was eager for whatever information she might provide him, eager to weigh it's value to him. This continent seemed expansive, and vastly different from the world he had come to know in the north. He watched, somewhat surprised, as Naamah tore the carcass apart and handed him a half of his own. Amon was uncertain he would have done the same, but you wouldn't catch him complaining. With a titan's appetite he wordlessly tore into the meal, savoring the sweet taste of the still-warm flesh as it slid across his tongue. Bones cracked between his mighty jaws, young and soft and filled with delicious marrow.

Gore coated his mouth when he looked away from his meal to see how Naamah was faring with her portion. He licked his jowls in a desperate bid to save as much as he could. It was a decent portion for him, though he wished the fawn had been somewhat more meaty. Then again, he was not one to balk at an opportunity such as the one that had been presented to him. To fulfill her side of the bargain, Naamah began to speak. The God's Garden she called it, and Amon nearly let a bark of laughter loose. How fitting.

She spoke of rivers in the east and he decided that it would be worth his while to investigate at least those before returning to Boreas. He was ever hunting for a kingdom suitable for his children to inherit, something worthy of their stolen birthright. Auster seemed lush and fertile, largely uninhabited, and he had to start somewhere right? "Do you know of any packs of mongrels in the area?" Amon rumbled, thinking of several northern congregations with a healthy dose of derision. The distaste clearly colored his tone, but Naamah did not strike him as one to sully herself with the common rabble anyways. He still had not figured the woman out entirely, nor did he expect to, but the intellectual problem she presented continued to fascinate.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!