
the thrill of the hunt

Aria I


06-25-2013, 07:14 PM

She had been doing one of her night rounds this chilly night, something Aria liked to do. Sure, wolves would approach or pass the borders during the day, but some used their brains and saw the cover of night as a good opportunity. It really was too, night was when most would be sleeping after a long day of work, ad it would be easier to move around with the shadows.

Aria moved along the borders at a steady pace, tail wiggling beind her, strong limbs carrying her forward. She would stop every few steps to sniff at the borders, scan the area then move on. Something caught her attention though after an hour of being out there, a new scent on the wind that was not wolf, but something similar to the dangerous encounter the pack had awhile ago. It was a feline, and not only that, but the scent of a woman was mixed with it, woman she had accepted into the pack not long ago. Liste.

Moving quickly, Aria was off. She was running, keeping her balance, not slipping on snow or ice, trying to keep to some areas with less snow so that she wouldn't make a lot of noise. She followed the scent carefully, moving along the borders. After a few minutes she could see an outline of a wolf up ahead, two, both not moving. With the smell of blood in the air Aria immediately thought something terrible had happened, and because of that she darted forward.

Paws drummed against the ground as the woman quickly closed the distance, going and standing over the dark shewolf, forest green eyes dark and narrowed as she stared at the body of the feline close by. Liste. She lowered her head, ears laying back, giving her a gentle nudge to the neck. Her voice was soft, gentle, worry found in it. She wanted to make sure the girl was fine, make sure she didn't have any serious wounds. Yeah the cat was small but they could do a lot of damage.
