


03-20-2017, 08:48 PM

She had been here all day gathering herbs and sorting them into piles of their uses. As it turned night she had stopped to lay down near her new piles of herbs. Jett was of course more than happy to come from his hiding place in the treeline and lay with her. They didn't speak, neither had to to know what the other wanted but that was due to a long time bond between them. Their bond was so strong that neither could imagine life without the other. Jett made it easy to live without a pack, though Jett wouldn't have cared if he were alone or not but he did love the company Zenara gave him.

Jett laid down easily next to Zenara, his eyes closing soon after and sleep be falling him. This placed a soft smile on Zenara's face. Her eyes cast up to the brightly lit full moon then, it's light was cascading down and lighting the clearing with a beautiful glow. This place was perfect for them, Zenara could play with her herbs and hum her little songs and Jett could prowl the woods nearby and hunt his mice all day. They had been here for a while now and no one had bothered them or anything which was good since Jett would have probably upset them with his mouthy ways. It was hard to have friends because of him but she wasn't going to send him away. In fact she hoped one day that he might learn to be respectful. Her eyes turned back to him for the briefest of moments before she gave a small sigh of contentment.

Her form was well lit, giving away all it's feminine beauty to those that looked. Her fur was soft and plush, the muscles beneath were delicate with their touch. Though even in her delicacy she didnt look weak, in fact she knew how to fight just as well as any other. Her ears pushed forward as she listened to the sounds around. The light flickering of fireflies surrounded this place along with the sound of crickets chirping. It was peaceful and she loved it.

"Zenara speaks""Jett speaks"

It was only just a dream